Crazy update!

Feb 12, 2009 21:48

"Heaven forbid you tell anyone on your friendslist what's going on with you."

She's right, ya know. It's been... uh... months. Since Pearl Harbor Day? Anyway.

Still unemployed. That's getting old, lemme tell ya. Sending out an average of two resumes a day, using three different temp agencies, three different job networking sites, and I seriously had no response for two months straight. I had a couple of interviews recently, and that went well, all things considered. Both companies have had my information for months, and one of them had... uh... six separate emails from me. Heh, not supposed to do that, right? Well, three of them were unmarked Craigslist ads, and I had different and personalized responses for the other three.

Oh yeah, that's the other thing! You're supposed to write up a nice cover letter, personalized to the company you're applying with, right? Totally not easy to do if the ad is completely anonymous. "Why yes, I'm what you're looking for. Who are you?"

Anyway. First interview with Company A was on the phone. Went well. Was told in the middle of interviewer's giggle that I had "bought [myself] an interview." The interview itself went well too. Ah, except that I arrived late. Sort of. I had arrived on time, but wandered all over the building looking for an office that didn't exist. Thankfully, I was saved by archangelq who recognized my voice and directed me to the right place, both amused and not amused by the directions I had been given.

The end result of the interview process was that I "made a most favorable impression," but that they "decided to pursue another candidate." The interview was a month ago, and the response was two weeks ago. Although, it would seem something is afoot at the Circle-K, a little bird told me... Crossing fingers, but not making budgets yet.

Interview with Company B went well too. This was after doing a... test of sorts. Basically a how-many-IE6-workarounds-can-we-make-this-guy-do test. In any case, despite a full schedule for the next guy up for the next two days, they squeezed my second interview in the next day. Sweet. That went ok too, I think, but they did eventually send me the sad face email. The guy kept emphasizing that he was "looking for a personality" - well... I didn't want to share with the super-churchy head honcho that I'm a D&D-playing genderqueer pro-choice anti-war crazy, did I? Apparently I'm a crumpled up $50 bill.

So I'm still throwing resumes out there.

In the meantime, rabid_pickle has started contractions. Little Alex is thinking seriously about joining the human race. You know who's a stubborn Italian, just like her poppa and grandpoppa? Ok, so I was making... lunch or dinner. Don't remember; time is really fluid and strange when one partner is unemployed and the other is on maternity leave. She was upstairs moving furniture around! "I'm not an invalid, you know! Oh, there's another contraction..."

Bibbin shows up tomorrow. That's rabid_pickle's mother, for those of you out of the loop. It's interesting coordinating an airport pickup around a quantum hospital visit when the flying visitor has no cell phone. I suppose we're lucky the last place you can still find payphones is at the airport.

And somewhere in the middle of all the excitement, I turned 28. Alas, as you have already surmised by the previous content of this post, Little Alex didn't come out on my birthday. See, my mother was born on her mother's birthday. So if Alex had been born on my birthday, we could say silly things like, "Oh, that runs in the family. It just seems to skip a generation." Yeah, silly.

rabid_pickle's been home three days since she got tired of dealing with her idiotic temp started contractions. She's already noticed just how stir-crazy it can make a person. I asked her how she would feel after four and a half months of it. Meh, it's not that bad, really. I seem to have my depression under control. I started taking multivitamins, and the interviews after three freakin' months of nothing seemed to boost my self-esteem a bit.

Anyway. Can't think of anything else at the moment, but I'll try to-ah, who am I kidding? I'll end up posting again in three months or so. Alex should be here by then. Maybe I'll have income.

Until next time...
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