
Jun 09, 2006 18:24

I honestly don't know why I took this quiz, but here...

A bit of everythingBasicsName:Angie Age:14 Sex:Yes please Hair color:Black Eye color:Black Zodiac sign:Sagittarius Heritage/nationality:Jamaican, English, American, etc Person your named after:My great Aunt People you live with:My father and my stepmother FavoritesColor:Red Band:The RENT band TV Show:"Are you Being Served?" Video Game:- Movie:"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" Yeah, really original, Ange... Food:Anything edible Room in the house:Mine Cuss Word:Fsck Flower:That one... you know... Animal:Lion Sport:Fencing Pizza Topping:Black olive Season:fall Shampoo:I don't know.. Hairspray:- CD:Currently, Aida Gum:The gum kind Resturant:Indian places Late night activity:Partaying Holiday:Boxing Day Number:87 Candy:Swedish Fish Song:"Hallelujah" by everyone you can name Starbucks beverage:Hot Chocolate Are you for or Against...Prostitution:Errr Abortion:Pro Choice Drunk Driving:Against Legalizing Drugs:Against Death Penalty:Against Illegal immigrants:I'm for immigrants Premarital sex:For War:Against Hippies:What the hell? Porn:Sometimes people are desperate Clothes on dogs:Depends School Uniforms:For Public Schools:For Spam:Against Gay Marrage:For Slavery:Against Interracial Relationships:FOR Arranged Marriages:Depends Republicans:Against De-forestation:Against Gun control:For Zoos:For, I guess Organic Farming:For Affirmative action:Against Britney Spears:What the hell kind of questions are these? Chuck Taylor's:For Preps:- Genetically Modified crops:Against Curfews:- Tommy Hilfiger:- The Atkins Diet:- Victoria's Secret models:- Friends...The funny one:Louie The weird one:Mike The dumbass:Katie The nerd:Kusbit The rocker:Kaela The crazy one:Me The drama Queen:Emily/me The athlete:Tessa The writer:Jools The poet:Bea The shy one:Zena The prep:Hannah The prom queen:Tessa The rebel:Gabe The druggie:Hunt This or ThatJello or Pudding:Puddin' AIM or MSN:Neither hotmail or yahoo:yahoo Carpet or hardwood:hardwood Cats or Dogs:Dogs Fish or mice:Fish Wine or beer:Wine Abercrombie or Hot Topic:Neither Cake or pie:Cake Kisses or hugs:Hugs Golf or Poker:Poker Shower or bath:Shower Kinky or not:Bring on the Kink! Independent Films or Big Company Films:Both Spoons or Forks:Sporks Do you...Drink diet pop:No. And it's soda. Eat a lot of junk food:Not really Watch soap opras:No Watch CSI:No Wear make up:No Take naps:No Own a cell phone:Yes Have a job:No When was the last time youCursed:About an hour ago Had sex:Never...? Went to the mall:3 weeks ago Ate:1 hour Went into a chat room:4 weeks ago Drank alcohol:Yesterday Went bowling:I don't remember Had a sleep over:2 moths ago Got arrested:never Watched a porn:never Stared in a porn:Everyday's a porno, baby Went to the movies:87 years ago Told someone a secret:I don't remember Gave someone a gift:er.... Had a gift given to you:a week ago Brushed your teeth:this morning Died your hair:never Gave advice:11:00 am Word AssociationCat:Halle Berry Fish:Lee Jacket:Max G Yo-Yo:Recess Bed:Sleep Frog:Fabian Hair:Brittany Ice Cube:Rap Rope:"Happy New Year" and Joanne Jefferson Pillow:Bed Lion:Simba Cage:Maureen Water:Agua Watermellon:Ew Pink:Sharde Spider:Ron Take this survey | Find more surveys
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blah, whatever, quiz

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