Dec 13, 2005 20:38
Today was the concerto competition. Mr. Owen kept making me laugh....we were standing and waiting for about 15 minutes just talking about the other musicians..random shit like pickles, I DUNNO! Listening to my mom rant about some vegetables to some other concerned mother. (Tom's) How annoying. It's like a big random BANANZA!?? It's nice having someone who understands where you're going or what you're doing in the least bit. He's a good guy.
I went in and left it in the room. I knocked it out. I threw it down. And I even got a nice complement from the erudite judges on my nail polish (which I painted all different colors just for them). They said they liked watching my fingers, I liked their sense of humor. Good trade off, for once. Usually that kind of stuff doesn't go that smoothly, especially in peices like mozart where all of you incorporated ideas are usually wrong. I believe that peice schooled me in a musical sense, but mentally I thought I did pretty well.
Turned in my new essay. Didn't have to redue my whole terrorism essay like some people. (Ashley Lasage cough*) Ha. That sucks, they just 'missed the boat' you could say. Luckily, even with this somewhat curs-edly accented life, I didn't miss the boat. Not this time. Definately not today. Dvorak, up your butt, untill college comes around...ugh...teacher and enemy, how about that?
I guess if you look for a pattern hard enough, you'll find one. It won't be what you expect, and other people may never see the same way you do...but...even if your brain is lying to you, you can find what you need. Wherever you are. Denial works too. Lets' not go there for today.