I deleted my last entry cuz

Jan 16, 2006 13:03

kay soo yea if you didnt read it then sucks to be you. you but my good friends that did and i know who you are and its only a hand full. .. if you wanna like help me out do it in private.
kay and soo everyone knows all of them ARE NOT ASSHOLES. i guess nick just really doesnt like me.
they are mad at me about my last entry cuz i "shouldt make it a big deal" alright but its not like the ppl that read them are random bitches no they are my friends and comfort me but whatev if i wanna talk to someone then i'll call you guys up. soo this entry is for you to know that those guys are not assholes and if you want to know who arent assholes its Andrew, Kevin, MIkey, Ian, && everyone else who was there so yea dont think that they are and i guess what nick said about me is him hes not an asshole completely hes nice to a lot of ppl and he gets along with ppl just not me

kay so i cleared it up
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