Stress, loneliness, insomnia, lack of appetite...and I'm not even working yet.
So many applications and not a single reply. I don't know whether to worry or not. Instead, lately I've been catching up on manga/anime, working on my originals, and playing LOTRO like mad. My biggest source of happiness is still Sora, and it's kinda sad. I feel like I'm not seeing a future in front of me at all.
But I do have a little hope with GOINGComics magazine, what with all the researches I've done so far. I really think I got all the essential stuffs pinpointed, just need people to help me out. I don't want to employ anybody, as in strangers, just yet though. Unless I'm very sure that this will work out. For now, no. I don't even know if I will definitely disappear for 18 months. Sigh...this will take a while. Maybe once I go home for Chinese New Year, or actually got a job, I'll get my senses back. For now, I'll be insane.
I'm getting good at shopping though! Kinda. Still not very decisive, and it's not my fault. Ever since Mom and Big Sis scolded me a bunch of times for not getting myself more feminine or mature clothes, all I've been looking for are just those. Problem is, I don't even look mature. People still think I am / look like a teenager. If I attempt any 'mature' clothes (other than formal work clothes), I'll look stupid. Not to mention, I'm flat in front. Haha. Yeah, not really funny. Geh, I'm just not ready for all these grown-up stuffs. How sad it is that I'm actually turning 22 soon. I should be 12. Kami-sama, if you want me to grow up, please give me a boyfriend.
That, and I'm making another new year resolution. Watch a Mukai Osamu show. Whoo.
And I finished sketching
Lost Soul chapter 1, which is good progress. I'll start inking.