Jan 06, 2011 17:50
The longer I stay in this stupid country, the more I want to get out of it.
I don't care what people say, I WANT TO GO HOME.
And enough about that.
Finally got a name for the manga magazine: GOINGコミックス! (Read go-ing, not GOING. I know I stared at it too long.) Thanks Sora for suggesting it~ So now we're kind of ready to go with the planning stage, but we'll need some help. Editors, designers, promoters, or basically whatever you can help with. These are all going to be paid jobs once we get everything up and public. If you want to help out even if it's just the beginning stage, please comment and I'll consider!!! Already got it up on Blogger, but staff only.
That, and I don't have paper to draw. I don't know what happened to it. But I read a whole Hardy Boys book yesterday in the library to pass the time! Nostalgia.
Singapore is a very lonely place.