Mar 07, 2007 01:10
It's chick flick night at the Angie Room and we're having lots of nostalgic fun tonight... From clips of The Notebook to The Breakfast Club to a complete movie called Pretty in Pink and, it's really giving us the sighies..
Of course watching chickflicks, eating chocolate and sewing at the same time is not something I'd always dare to be proud of, not that I'm proud of it tonight either, but I must confess that, at least tonight, I'm a hopeless romantic with pink butterflies in my happy everloving tummy.
"What an idiot...", some folks would say. But just like you get worked up by flaming motorcycles and gore, I do with 80s hairstyles and daring dancesteps... Oh I can't believe I just said that... (But it's the honest truth)
To all ye 80's male fashion lovers like myself, this goes out to yawl...
What's better than a man who can dance, lip sync, confess his feelings, fight proudly, wear suspenders and wear a cowboy tie.... *siggghh*
Yes, the one I like is the one with the dark round glasses.. Yes, you've seen him before, he's the not-Charlie-Sheen brother from 2 and a half men, isn't that amazing? :O