(no subject)

Sep 25, 2006 11:58

Tip the Celebrity Scale

Posted Aug 30th 2006 12:00PM by TMZ Staff
Filed under: Wacky and Weird, Z-Gadgets

Trying to drop your weight from, say, 150 to 120 pounds is so last year for celebs -- and even regular civilians. Getting from Chuck Norris to Goldie Hawn -- now that sounds like real motivation.

Angry Associates, an Irish company, is selling the Celebrity Weighing Scale, a device that forgoes the whole weight-by-number scheme and replaces those old-fashioned numbers with names of celebrities. So now you can tell your friends you weigh the same as the "Karate Kid" or, God forbid, as much as "Mr. Ed" and begin lobbying to have all weights changed to celebrities. (No word if there's a special sliding scale with Nicole Richie and Kirstie Alley as measurements.) Now if we could only get our watches fitted with "Friday the 13th" movies instead of those pesky times.

veryinteresting.  i want one
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