
Jun 25, 2007 12:22

  • Graphxgrrl + Daiso!
  • sign seen: “The Lusty Lady: Peek Place Market”
  • Class lecture included several slides with tips that my smart and/or academic friends will appreciate. Example that I am not making up: "You should not state more than one idea in one paragraph." More helpful examples for which the context is surely obvious: "for example, by contrast, in addition, likewise, moreover, soon, finally, however". Folks, I am in at least twice as many grades as that advice.
  • Big Town Brewery is fully willing to sell their 9% Nemesis at lunchtime.
  • Mieng Kahm remains tasty.
  • One can smoke in a terminal restaurant at the “Cincinnati” airport.
  • Fixed arms on exit row seats squish fat hips.
  • Bumped, I’d far rather have a $7.95 wifi voucher than a $7 meal voucher. I wonder where I can fly for 400 deltadollars; I bet the Internet knows.
  • 8.95 is too many dollars for that near-cube of roasted almonds.
  • Thank goodness Legal's Test Kitchen lets one loiter over coffee. I hope she redoes the CC charge based on the receipt, b/c I wanted to overtip her; she was a pro' and/or a sweetie. I also hope I don't shrivel up from all that coffee.

travel, lj friends, finances, weight loss, food, graduate school, coffee, seattle

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