We want… Information!

May 02, 2006 20:30

For the interested parties who haven't heard about this:

Inform 7 has been released. New:

Here's the beginning of the source code for my first test game: "Testgame" by Angharad Elwes

The Closet is a room. "You're standing inside the small closet, surrounded on all sides by junk."

Some junk is scenery in the Closet. The description of the junk is "Many boxes stacked crookedly, with miscellaneous items crammed in between." Understand "items" as junk.

Some boxes are part of the junk. Understand "stack", "pile", "heap", or "box" as boxes. The description of the boxes is "Many boxes stacked precariously, with a strange triangular gap to one side."

A corner is part of the boxes. Understand "gap" as corner. The description of the corner is "[if Snurfles is in the corner]You see some orange fluff wedged into one corner of the heap.[otherwise]A strangely-shaped corner in the pile of boxes.[endif]"

iff, games, programming

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