Coffee Brownies

Jul 13, 2005 21:39

Sorry, no recipe today. The flavour is still too faint to make this experiment a success. I even used quadruple-strong insta-coffee.
Failed coffee-brownie attempts so far:
  1. ground coffee beans Too bitter and crunchy. Perhaps I should try this again with a finer grind.
  2. Kahlua (½ cup of + 1 cup of milk = 1½ cups total recipe liquid) Flavour gone, slight smell remained. Expensive.
  3. strong Instant Coffee (1 cup of + ½ cup milk = 1½ cups total recipe liquid) Batter tasted and smelled like coffee, but flavour gone bitter but not identifiable as coffee, once baked.
Perhaps I should try with Turkish-strength brewed coffee. There has got to be a way to do this that doesn't involve soaking sugar in coffee for a month. Edit: today's brownies do taste different from normal: more bitter, but in an unidentifiable way. A random taster might say it was "less sugar" or "more cocoa", but I know it's the coffee. (Perhaps "Unidentifiably Bitter Brownies" should be my entry in Triangle and Robert's Pretentious Desserts (or whatever it was) Contest. I fondly recall their Capitalism Layer Cake, and how the Seeds of Its Own Destruction got in their teeth.)

allusions, recipes, cooking, brownies, baking, comics

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