Do not trust Mikey... My Mother said to never trust anyone who just after your buns. Next thing she'll be talking about your funnel cake and your removable bottom... Just say no.
The cakes look lovely and I'm glad to see you baking. You get such a kick out of it I hope it'll help you relax some. ♥
Close the gaps between the three elements above and presto! You've got ♥'s
I was reccing your fic today to "new-er" LoM Fen and they were asking with baited breath if you might be coming back. They *did* look funny with a mouth full of minnows...
And I meant to say THANK YOU for the rec; I was left a lovely comment that outed you as the culprit. I believe I may have called you a pimpin' mama in my reply...*g*
I swear, I would let you live rent-free with us for the opportunity to taste your buns *cough* on the weekends.
*waves bundt pan and double-bottomed cookie trays seductively*
The cakes look lovely and I'm glad to see you baking. You get such a kick out of it I hope it'll help you relax some. ♥
Thank you, and thank you...and if I could work out how to do one of them there heart-type things, you'd be getting one right back...*iz technoplegic*
And I have a loose bottom myself.*
For your delight and scientific edification!
& hearts ;
Close the gaps between the three elements above and presto! You've got ♥'s
I was reccing your fic today to "new-er" LoM Fen and they were asking with baited breath if you might be coming back. They *did* look funny with a mouth full of minnows...
♥ ♥ ♥
Let's see if that works when I post this...
And I meant to say THANK YOU for the rec; I was left a lovely comment that outed you as the culprit. I believe I may have called you a pimpin' mama in my reply...*g*
*iz hypnotised by your double bottom*
*shakes measuring cups abundantly*
Your boyfriend is kind to share. heh.
*iz mesmerised by your ample measuring cups*
Who knew it was possible to fit tassels on those?
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