Well who'd have thunk it? I had a day off and I baked.
Ginger and fudge cupcakes. There's no actual fudge in the cakes, I'll stress that now. But the icing involves this convoluted method which leads to more or less liquid fudge to put atop the little buggers.
I have no idea how good these pictures are, as I'm using my new phone. The old phone had a crap battery life (charging it every day) and I left my charger in a hotel room somewhere the other week. So I got a new phone instead. I tend to do that kind of thing when I'm stressed or panicking about something. I buy things. I know it's a bad habit but at least I'm aware of it. Besides, the new phone was less than £30. And it's pink. Anyhoo. Back to the buns...
Kind of an arty shot - and yet, somehow not. I made 24 cakes in total - a controlled experiment, you see. One batch of 12 was made with butter, one batch was made with margarine. The idea being, we would compare the tastes of the two to see if you really could tell any difference. As of yet, I haven't actually tried them. So I have no idea. All I do know is the little icing that was left, I could have quite happily stuck my face in and troughed it. Yeah, I would have felt righteously sick at the end of it all, but meh.
That's one of the little blighters on his own. They have either fudge, or crystallised ginger on the top of the icing. Seems to work, apparently.
So. My first foray into baking in someone else's kitchen. All a bit stressful, but hopefully the end result will be worth it.
In other news, I get to babysit for my brother tomorrow evening. For the whole night. And then get up for work the next day. Woo, and indeed, hoo.
*exits stage left*