memity meme meme meme

Jul 02, 2008 02:23

This has been all over the flist, and I feel like talking about stuff that is not "What the Hell is Lea Going To Do For Money This Year?"

So, you know the drill. Pick some letters and give me topics to talk about that start with that letter. Then I will talk about them and a good time will be had by all.

Letters and topics:

Apricots, usage of in The Duchess of Malfi (writerwench)
Badger Ben (the_red_shoes)
Coney-catching (curtana)
Doctorate (hodsthorn)
Edward IV (curtana)
Flapjacks (stagbeetle)
Geoffrey Tennant (curtana)
Homoeroticism (curtana)
Imogen and Iachimo (aranel)
Jews in Shakespeare and Marlowe (aranel, who actually got there first)
Klingon (stagbeetle)
Lampreys, surfeits of (ricardienne)
Monarchy (mummimama)
Non-Euclidean stories (lnhammer)
Orlando (lnhammer)
Polar ice caps, melting thereof (enkanowen)
Queen Bess, Good (the_red_shoes)
Richard II (the_red_shoes)
Saaaaaaaam (the_red_shoes)
Thomas Tusser (lnhammer)
Unlikely candidates for having written Shakespeare (curtana)
Vortigern (the_red_shoes)
Will (executrix)
Xerxes, images of in Elizabethan drama (lnhammer)
Yojimbo (lnhammer)
Zamboni (lnhammer)

i have so long keepe shepe

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