and here have I the daintiness of ear to check time broke in a disordered string

May 24, 2006 21:32

I called the music store this afternoon to see if my psaltery had been repaired yet, since today was the day they said it'd be ready, and lo and behold, it was! I have been spending my afternoon and evening trying to figure it out. It's really easy to learn -- I learned a few years back from a friend who had one and it took me about five minutes to ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

bunrab May 25 2006, 20:01:07 UTC
Years of playing a small bowed instrument WILL contribute to arthritis in the shoulders eventually. The "Ice pak or heating pad? Ice pak or heating pad?" community will be waiting for you.


arriterre May 26 2006, 08:06:23 UTC
I loved your comment on Chaucer's blog.


angevin2 May 26 2006, 22:09:43 UTC
Which one? Did I say something particularly clever and don't remember it? ;)


arriterre May 26 2006, 22:11:34 UTC
Ooh! There's more than one? I want to sit down soon and read the whole blog.

I am dying to meet the author/ess. He/she must be one of the coolest people on earth.

I love your journal design. It makes you look like such a big-name Shakespeare fan. :D


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