from ashes ancient Gower is come...except he'll be late

Sep 13, 2005 13:47

It's most annoying when the UPS man turns up with the books you need for a course in what would be plenty of time to get the reading done for this week -- except that the book you'll be reading for this week is on back order.

Of course, I can print the relevant sections out from the TEAMS website (which is one of the greatest things ever), but still. SHINY NEW BOOKS.

I do at any rate have a shiny new copy of Maidstone's Concordia, which pleases me.

(I have also learned, from persuing the TEAMS site just now, that they have editions of the four mystery cycles in the works. LOVE.)

In other bookish news, I don't suppose anyone has a copy of the Revels Oldcastle Controversy volume lying about? I'm going to need it for the diss, but it's out of print, and tracking down a used copy has thus far proved remarkably difficult (can't find it through ABE or bookfinder)...

ETA: Also, my shiny new copy of Woodstock (replacing my crappy old one with practically no notes) has just arrived and I am now FILLED WITH GLEE. :D

woodstock, concordia, booksluttery, gower

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