shut up, Jar-Jar! we're having a moment!

May 22, 2005 02:16

You know you're a total dork when you're in line for Star Wars, having gone to see it all by yourself, and you pass the time in line by standing there reading Foucault.

(Granted, it was for a paper, but still.)

So, the movie. Certainly it had its flaws, but I don't care, because it had badass lightsaber dueling and Ewan MacGregor being hot (and channeling Alec Guinness impeccably) and Wookiees and Force lightning and Force choking and R2D2 being cool and Jar-Jar not talking and a spectacularly creepy (and then campy!) performance from Ian McDiarmid and Yoda and sad stories of the death of Jedi (that whole sequence was awesome) and lava and adorable baby!twins and all manner of things that caused my inner child to squee a lot.

(So I don't so much mind that the first hour or so was fairly slow, and the Anakin/Padme love scenes were fairly nauseating, and Darth Vader going "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" was just silly, because I had fun anyway.)

Not very in-depth, that, but it's late and I'm tired and rather ill -- I felt remarkably queasy after the whole thing was over, probably because a) I'd been too close to the screen and therefore got motion-sick and b) I was at a fancy-schmancy movie theater with cushy leather seats, so I'd been leaning back the whole time. I still feel a bit blah, actually. Anyway, I may post more tomorrow with a bit more detail, but for now, my geek!self is pretty happy. :)

star wars, fannish

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