pills to purge melancholy

May 21, 2005 02:44

It's surprising how much really dumb and cracked-out Star Trek episodes can improve one's mood.

The one that's on currently is the one where Kirk, Spock, and Lincoln fight with Genghis Khan and Kahless the Unforgettable. It's quite deliriously stupid. Also, it provided more material for the "Needs to Get Out More" file, as early in the episode Scotty makes a reference to Robert the Bruce, and my head instantly turned from the computer screen toward the TV: I blame this on my recent study of Middle Scots (in which Barbour's Bruce was one of the course texts, although I didn't finish it). ;)

In the interests of getting out more, I am going to see Episode III tomorrow (the theater near campus is nice enough to have a showing about half an hour after the library closes, so I'll go do research and then go to the movies). It's been far too long since I've gotten my SF geek on in any meaningful way. (And I'm rather surprised at how psyched I am about the movie -- I always forget that my childhood self who wanted to be Princess Leia is still very much alive and well... ;) )

star wars, fannish, middle scots, trekkiness

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