bite me, Sir Francis

Apr 10, 2005 00:27

Have been attempting to finish off Bacon's Essayes, am at Essay 50, "Of Studies," and ran across the following quote:

"To spend too much Time in Studies, is Sloth..."

Well. I never.

I should try that one on some of my profs and see how it goes over.

ETA: Another unrelated Baconian gem for the old commonplace-book. This one is for all of the EI people:

"Many have an Opinion not wise; That for a Prince to Governe his Estate; Or for a Great Person to governe his Proceedings, according to the Respect of Factions, is a Principall Part of Policy..."

I was going to make it my sig, but I never post anymore anyway, so what would be the point?

quotes, exams

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