haec urbs Epidamnus est dum haec agitur fabula

Apr 12, 2005 01:18

So I was amused enough by the Bacon quote in the last entry that I made it into an icon. By his standards, it's been a very slothful couple of days, and the rest of the week will go likewise.

Francis Bacon was a total bastard.

There, now my eyes hurt as well as my brain.

(montjoy said he wanted footage of me in hummingbird mode, and while I don't have that, I have felt quite inclined to make weird and random LJ posts. Hope that'll do. ;) )

It is already two o'clock, which doesn't seem at all fair. And that ghastly "Friendly Angel" episode of Star Trek is on. It burns! IT BURNS!

I wonder if it's stopped raining enough to go and retrieve the books I left in my car?

textual criticism, exams, nashe

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