he slept namoore than dooth a nightingale

Mar 29, 2005 02:50

There is a very annoying bird singing outside. At three AM. That doesn't seem quite right.

I did manage to finish reading the Milton criticism I was working on, and now am trying to finish with Tamburlaine before I go to bed. You see how well that's going. (On the one hand, I really want to go to bed, and on the other, I'm not really sleepy at all, despite the lateness -- or earliness -- of the hour. Good thing I don't have anywhere specific to be tomorrow morning.)

Note to self: Stop by the office tomorrow morning to see if UPS left your copy of Blake's Milton in there without leaving a note. They've been doing that recently. It annoys me terribly. If it's not there, I shall be likewise annoyed, as I need to have read it by Wednesday.

The real reason I posted, though, was not only to subject you all to my none-too-eloquent whining about studying and the woes of unannounced package delivery, but to link you to this (thanks to rymenhild for pointing it out). It's quite hilarious. ;)

(Random question: there's this Star Trek episode on now where Kirk talks a mad computer into shutting down on the grounds that it's killed people and the penalty for murder is death. How exactly does that work in a society where, canonically, the only capital crime on the books is going to Talos IV, aka Planet of the Butt-Headed Illusionists? Unless, I guess, the programmer had an old-fashioned code of ethics...)

*is a dork* ;)

fannish, trekkiness, exams, links

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