I Survived!!!

Jan 05, 2007 09:37

This thing just did not want to post... >.>*

Welp, I'm long over-due for a post-New year's post (whaaa... stupid sounding phrase alert) at this point. But, I'd like to think I have good reason for being so damn quiet, aside from the general Internet Hiatus and what-not.

The short version goes thusly: I got really frickin' sick right before christmas and have remained with a sore throat since then (DAMN FLU!! >.<*). Once I got better enough not to be contagious my family arrived and my bro and I had video game-oriented bonding sessions. Aunt and Uncle from Oregon were here so I got to see a couple of my cousins (and I was upgraded from Evil Cousin to Nice Cousin Who Pretends To Be Evil!). Grandparents had their 50th anniversary (more fun than it sounds like). Was visited by a Cajun who followed me around  and gave me books I will likely not get around to reading for a while (my to-read list is staggering) and gave me a long-term loan of his copy of FFVIII! ^-^ This made me very happy. Cajun left back for Cajun-land by bus last night and Parents/brother departed this morning.

And, for anyone who wants the Long Version...

I came down with the flu for the week before christmas (that Tuesday was the longest, most miserable of my life thusfar) but was better enough not to be contagious by the time my family arrived. Nii-san got me FFXII (Colectors Edition even!! And he managed to get it ever-so-slightly used and thus cheap! =]) and KHII for christmas (of which I've played about 8-10 hours of FFXII (and decided that I really, really like Balthier ^-^) and barely an hour or so of KHII! ;-;). Other games/movies that were purchased/acquired include Dirge of Cerberus which nii-san bought (which is supposedly nothing but Vincent fan-service and so is fine with me), Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (must get a copy of the song the Dolphins sing!! XD) and The Corpse Bride (which was cause for my father's ears to be abused with much fangirlish squealing and hugs all around).

The tie-dye boxers were much appreciated by my brother (they fit better than the ones mom got him XD) and my father seems to adore his full set of rainbow t-shirt, socks and man-panties (he was amused at my word to describe them as well) and wore them to his parent's anniversary, much to the amusement of all who knew of them.

Donraj arrived in one piece the day after the party (admittedly, several hours delayed due likely to all the fun the weather was having over in Denver) and promtly gave me four jars/boxes of flavoured coffee, two spicy and two chocolate. this means I will at some point have to purchase a coffee maker. He also gave me a novelization of Return of The Sith and an R. A. Salvatore novel. And then, after going book shopping and picking up a copy of the FFVIII walkthrough for posterity's sake he handed me his copy of the game itself, much to my delight and awe and giving me new reason to belive that there really is something approaching a god in this mostly messed-up universe. Have played a small amount of that so far (am delaying because I'm thinking frantically over the best way to distribute my GFs).

Oh, and I finally went out to the shooting range at Logan and fired a gun for the first time. I am ridiculously pleased to say that I hit the target paper all three shots at 50 yards. I even hit the edge of the bulls-eye on one shot but it was cold and loud and uncomfortable enough that I doubt I'm going to do it again untill the weather starts warming up seriously. Dad managed to get the target dead-center on one of his shots. *impressed*

And, for anyone who might be curious/not particularly informed about the weather over here, we got snow, Lots of snow. Nii-san and I took turns going outside for an hour at a time to clear off the driveway again and again during the latter parts of the last big storm and it snowed last night and the night before. Which I do not like because it means snow shoveling is in order.
Still have a sore throat (I really, really hope it winds itself down soon because it's a Frickin' Pain) and Still on Hiatus.

[energy: 6/10 not as much sleep as I've been getting used to...]
[hunger: -1/10 blegh...]
[fangirlism: 8.7/10 Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeon!! XD]
[boredom: --/10]

family, blank, christmas, wtf, games

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