Cool Groovy Wonderful~

Dec 12, 2006 02:29

...As my aunt is so fond of saying. XD

Tie-dyeing was fantabulous!!! =D So many pretty rainbowed stuffs, and I did a silk sarong that came out Abso-Fucking-Lutely BEAUTIFUL!! <3 ANd I did a really neat blue-purply halter top that clashes very nicely with a pair of bright (like, toxic sludge bright) green and yellow shorts. ^-^ Ahhhhh... it all came out so well that in retrospect, being on my feet for six hours straight was actually worth it, even having them stiff and achy on Sunday morning. Missing the Sunday comics was kind of a downer though... =/

In other news...

][/\V/\][ HALLE-FRIGGIN-LUJAH!!! ][/\V/\][

Ze Art Project iz DONE!!! Done, I zay!!! @.@ And it clocks in at around 15 hours, give or take two and a half where my brain dies and I sat staring at it trying to fix small details... And it has a wonderful purty mataphorical/symbolic flutterby on it!! ^_____________^ I is happy!!! And I quite dearly hopes that Kinkos can scan something this big to a destination file! Because then I can be happy and gleeful and revive my deviantART account with it.

Note: Arches paper is well worth the $3+ per sheet and Ebony pencil still rawks my sawks! x3

Oh, and I got myself onto a Michale Parkes kick on Saturday night because after tie-dyeing and stuff and before dinner (which was spaceman pasta, salad, frenchbread and a very nice bottle of White Merlot my aunt and I split (since I finished off the last of the Peels last time). 8D I liked it!) I spent about an hour or so flipping through an art book of his that I look at practically every time I go over to Patty's house. So pwetty... Anywhoo, I overdoed myself to the point where I had to attempt stylistic impersonation. I was going to draw a beautiful, delicately shaded and deepyl symbolic picture of the tragedy of modern life and the cost of our lifestyle with oblique refferences to classical mythology.

What I came out with was a passable scribble of a pair of odd looking brasier-less mermaids and their nekkid bishie pet (in profile because I'm just not that gutsy). -.-; Typical fangirl. It did, however, include strange looking rocks, and extremely placid expanse of sea water and a random cat, as well as a couple carved rock doves. There was no random egg or globe yet, but there would have been if my hand had not decided it needed to have a personal heart attack and sieze up on me (after effect of six hours spent doing epic battle with rubber bands (and I mean Epic!) plus an hour and a half with a very detailed drawing).

So yeah, I drew me some smutty softcore pr0n XP I'm on a classic-esque art kick. Yeah... um... <.<;

Other good thing(s) that happened: I got to have eggnog for breakfast two days in a row!! =D And watched The Princess Bride again!! The Greatest Story of True Love and High Adventure EVAH!!!! <3 And your number one stop in the search for corny but moving quotes. x3

[energy: -2+16 oz of Rockstar/10]
[back pain: oh GODS the TORMENT!!!! >.<* infinite/10]
[clarity of thought: 2 -30 min inhaling art fixative/10]
[hunger: 8/10 I want frekbust!!!]

P.S.: This song is LOVE!! Fully Capitalized. And it makes me think of Gundam Wing/AC mushiness... :3 *hums along*

P.P.S.: That took me almost an hour to write... o.o yeeks... Oh, and I'm hopefully going to go see Happy Feet with Patty tomorrow. Glee!! ^-^

family, linkage, blank, art

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