Fish Guts! Fish Guts! AMNESTY!!!

Jun 12, 2006 18:02 family has the worlds greatest sense of humour. XD Plus, my dad thinks watching me and nii-san play video games is a great spectator sport. I shall offer no further explanation.

Well... let's see. Been well over a month since last post (or feels like it, at least. I hope my hotmail is stil active...). Waaaaay too long to post about everything but... *sighs and gets on with it*

Shezuan and Vinit visited a couple weeks ago. *thinks* Two weeks, Sunday. They even managed to be here for Shez's B-day (we took him to 10 Downing Street for Classic Rock Night: he loved it and I discovered blue lagunas) and I dragged 'em both along for a hash run too (very disorganized and short, that particular run). Am fairly certain one or both may attempt contact with other Hashes in future. Anywhoo, we had fun. *grins* And Vinit is plotting something for New Year's involving Goa. We really missed you though, Timmy. It was close to hanging out back at Kodai, but not quite the same.

Speaking of Kodai, according to nii-san and Shez, that place is next best to a lost cause. Screwin' with the systems up the yin-yang. They're apparently moving /everyone/ from tenth grade on down to teh elementary campus and going by what nii-san says, none of the students approve. Almost makes me glad I got out when I did. Almost.

Grandma called today about more college stuff, orientation registration and such (my need to do online confirmation of this stuff is probably teh only reason I got my lazy ass online at all, still no home net connection). Also, our travel agent seems to have settled on July 17th as my travel date. *sulks* With no more than a two or three hour layover in any of the airports. I LIKE layovers, damnit!!

On to more pleasant things... Hash the last couple weeks was at my house. First time we set two trails, runners and walkers, but the group was so small we only used my and nii-san's (the walkers) trail. Pretty decent trail if I do say so myself, lots of nice up and down and good scenery. Anyways, this week we used Dad and Salman's trail, which was originally supposed to be a runner's trail. Gah. Compared to mine it was like four sides of a bloody pentagon. *-* Tiring. No shame was felt taking the car back from the water stop. Been a looong time since we've had a run that long (or that 'fragrant' for that matter) around here.

Oh, and according to Dad I should be approaching my 250th run sometime soon. *glee* Nii-san is past his 300th, I have much to catch up.

Have been reading like a woman posessed. Have (re)read books two through four of Wheel of Time and am salivating with need to read fifth. Fanfic readings have slowed (two chaps of LHR and about half of a nice high-schooler-ish GW epic named after a Nirvana song)and a once tiny and harmless original universe-type plot bunny has grown into a rabid beast that eats other plot bunnies like Fritos. -_-; This doesn't mean that I've managed to actually write more that a couple paragraphs of it that I can tolerate, however.

Hmmm... oh yeah, I guess nii-san came back from school since the last post, huh. *shrugs* Bleah, he's gotten me onto a Digimon kick by playing Digimon World 4 with me in multiplayer (I LOVE multiplayer in that game, it makes bosses soooo much easier) and so my mind is on a Digimon kick (for now at least, ni-san has also started playing SO3 again, so we'll see how long this lasts) and is thus struck with a craving for... erm... I'll not say. I'm sure anyone reading this who knows me vaguely can guess, but among other things I'm really wanting to sit down with a bucket of koolaid and as much of the first season of the anime as I can get my hands on. *sighs remorsfully* Yamaaaa...

Other things that happened... went to Blackjack's (the classic rock DJ at 10D) 150th show last Tuesday (easy date to remember, 6/6/6; also have small bottle of vodka sitting in my closet, courtesy Blackjack), went shopping with Salman and found a jacket made entierly of black mesh (SCORE!), went to kareoke night at 10D on thursday after Shez's B-day, got two free tequila shots for singing Californication (still annot get over how horrible and girly my voice sounds with a mic >.<*), received instruction in proper method of consuming tequila shots (I am going to use this in a fic one day if it kills me!), had air cooler in room conk out multiple times, had people come and stick a wire into my room that means we may actually have internet this side of christmas... I think that's most of it.


[Note: This journal written at home (to save time at cafe) between teh hours of 5:29 and 6:34 AM and wa posted 12 hours later]

[stress: 3/10 (more due to boredom that anything else)]
[sanity: 6/10 (also due to boredom)]
[hunger: 3/10 (...breakfast...)]
[fangirlshness: 6/10 (if I don't get some good digi-fics ASAP I am going to wither up and die, I just know it!)]
[art: 8/10 (unprecidented! must scan sketches of new random character so can ask who posessed my hand while I was drawing him)]
[fiction: 4/10 (have been rooting about with old, barely started FE7 fic from eons past, may actually revive it)]
[LHR bookmark: begin ch. 32, *cringes* unable to force myself to continue, too much angst, even for /me/!!]
[currently playing: Digimon World 4, LoZ:OoT (Timmy, how, by all things sacred, did you get through the Water Temple with your sanity intact?)]
[recently played: Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (and beat it too! and nii-san only helped a bit)(yay for shirtless fanservice)]
[net connection: still not up]
[unpacking: only a few boxes left, upstairs living room got all sorted out before Shez and Vin came]

video games, hash, friends, blank

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