In (Not So) Recent News

May 11, 2006 16:18

You know you need to get to a net cafe when the backlog journal you've been typing exceeds a page and a half... <.<;

Well, first things first: important, house-related crap!

I've finally got an AC in my room (JOY!) and although it isn't connected to any form of electricity, it is firmly attatched to my window! XD I had too much fun saying that, really. Also, what with recent bouts of summer storms (pre-monsoon showers, I call 'em, since the monsoon is really one ginormous summer storm if you think about it) we've been having long power cuts at night when only room in the house that has power is my parents bedroom (this house has 3 different phases, old house only had 1). Very bad, what with my personal sleep-schedule. Have resorted to using candles and reading Anne rice to amuse myself (am 2/3 way through Witching Hour, have recently come to realize how much I adore Louis and have resolved to re-read Interview when finish Witching Hour)

College stuff.

Mostly all finished, now just have to actually get a new passport (thanks to mom losing the old one) and make the move to what Donraj reffered to as Pretty White Stuff Land.

On a semi-related note: I found that last copy of my letters of reccomendation from my teadchers back at Kodai and opened it up and read them. Was mildly amused by the fact that Mrs. Mukks refferered to me as being 'home schooled' (yes, ISH was a small school at the time, but not /that/ small!). I swear, if I saw Henry or Stengle right now I'd either kiss, hug or shower them with gifts! n_n *holding in girly squeals of delight* Those letters are like the biggest ego-boost I've gotten in ages!! Gah! I love you Stengle!! *feeling all light and airy inside* Really, I wish I could see them right now just so I could glomp them silly, inappropriateness be damned!

SO3 Fangirlism!!


(never mind that I had to do some very expensive item synthesis to do it, I beat em both and those fights are traumatically hard!!)

And I've gotten to like 52% of the battle trophies (ye Gods, some of these are both weird and incredibly easy to get)!! *grin* And HOMG Albel looks like a freakin' Vampire!!! o.o I'm serious!!! The lighting in the Maze of Tribulations makes him look super pale and his P3 outfit is MADE for vamp cosplay!! And the Dark Faerie Claw matches his P3 outfit sooo perfectly!! XD Ye Gods, what a dork I am! Hahaha!! And what's worse, I've gotten the card for Cliff's P4 outfit and the first thing that came outta my mouth was "Dear Lord, he stole Squeon's clothes!" 0.0 Seriously!!! He looks like Sqall dearest in his KH gettup. He's even got Squall hair!!! I was just kind of gaping at the screen like a dying fish when I saw all this. Also found the card for Nel's P4 outfit. *speechless* It's a... little... french maid's... dress... o.o *shocked and scandalized beyond all imagination*

Also, I recently re-discovered my old knitting stuff from like half a decade ago and started practicing again and within minutes a silly, fangirly idea promtly smacked me in the back of the head with a sledge hammer and said 'I am cute, I am vicious, make me!'. o.o So now I've got this little mental image of an Albel plushie running around my mind and wreaking all sorts of merry havoc. I'm actually going to try getting down to general bazar and pick up some new yarn (since about the only stuff I've got right now that I consider usable is a small amount of perfect chocobo yellow) so we'll see if this goes anywhere.

Zelda-related babblings...

So, I was randomly doodling anthro stuff in photoshop. Decided to listen to Zelda remixes got from Timmy a while ago. Prompty overcome by desire to run around Hyrule and beat teh crap out of a skulltula. Am now halfway through Forest temple (after breif delay to spend time going fishing of all things. I mean, I hate fishing. Bt it's such a fun minigame... *has gone over to the dark side*) and am hearing Saria's Song in my sleep.

Also have inexplicable desire to take up flute and dress up as a skullkid... o . o Also have desire to scan Sheik sketches and actually do that iPod spoof wallpaper (codename: iSheik).

Hash + travel patterns...

Whew, three weeks of catching up to do... alright. Hash this week was out by Runway 9 (the gokarting place and the place at which I discovered my love of gas-peddal-abuse). Very nice hash, they haven't overdeveloped out there yet so there was lots of relatively empty space and even though there was literally no off-roading, it felt like it was an off-road run, which is always great. We had a barbecue afterwards and the nagas* provided the food. It was awesome! Pork ribs and this amazing stir-fried beef and prawn-and-veggie kebbabs and potato salad and all that good barbecue stuff. Also, got a practical lesson in cheap BBQ hosting: you don't need a fancy, $200 grill, all you need is a heavy duty terracotta flowerpot and something to keep teh food off the chacoal.

Hash last week was at our new house, kinda boring with about five yards of total off-roading. Salman and Mom set it, so it kinda figures. But there was a LOT of up-hill-down-hill. Not many people turned up, and half of those that did came late and I only saw 'em at the circle. And there was this little kid who kept on stealing his mom's beer bottle. XD Hash kid after my own heart! He had great fun terrorizing the cats and dogs and playing with teh volume knob on the sound system. Dad charged me with wearing a utensil (I now have a single hairstick that used to be a chopstick XD) and we finally got to name Salman (named Blackbuck after a poaching incident involving a different, more famous Salman a couple weeks ago). The mosquitoes chased us inside pretty quick so mom ordered pizza, and she DIDN"T put veggies on the Hawai'ian!! Joy!

The week before THAT... decent enough. Kinda short and lazy (when you think back) and we lost track of Choco (John's dog (incidentally, stupidest dog in the universe, makes Odie look like a genius), who is now living with a family of nagas (kind of a dangerous place for a dog to live, actually)) for a while. Nice hash. Actually got to climb some hills for once and it wasn't an abso-bloddy-lutely sadistic run like the last one I was on. Circle was fun, very lazy, everyone was lounging around in lawn chair/sitting on the ground. Got to name three people, two of which were supposedly supposed to be named last week. Took ridiculously long time. Ended up being 'Nancy Boy' (his girlfriend's name is Nancy, they're the people mom and Alia kidnapped off the street a couple months ago), 'Greggo-Roma' (I think Rudy was trying to say something about gerco-roman hairstyle...) and 'Doggie Style'. XD The last one we didn't even argue about because once Alia suggested it it was automatic. If you've got the opportunity to give someone a name like that, then you take it. XD Oh, and mom poured beer down the back of my pants, to which I responded by pouring beer down the front of her shirt and ice water down the back (one of those times I wish I had a nice, inconspicuous mom).

Also found out Alia is going to join Mike in what they reffer to as 'The People's Republic of Darburshire' or somesuch (this is a source of much amusement for myself) and they aren't going to be back for three to six months and by that time I'll be shipped off to whichever college I'll be at ;_;. Plus Alia says they're finally gonna be getting married when they get back and since it's probably gonna be in december I'm gonna try my damn-ass hardest to come back for the event. Being a Hash wedding it'll be a complete booze-up and I'll be damned if I'm gonna miss something that's been in the making for at least seven damn years!! (not to mention, Alia blames the entier thing on me but that's a different story entierly)

Unfortunately, ICRISAT is only willing to pay for one round-trip flight from here to there or vice-versa so if I come back to India in winter, I won't be able to come back in teh summer. Which is fine with me except my parents seem to think I shouyld be there to go visit family with them in the winter, and I probably won't get to see nii-san because when I come back to India, he'll be going to the US. @_@ Messed up it is. But I still wanna come back to H'bad for the innevitable Christmas and New Year's Hash parties. Besides, even if I came back in the summer, It'd only be for a couple weeks anyways. -.-

While on the subject of travel: I'm probably going to get to go down and see Vin and Shez in B'lore!!! YAAAY!!! *boogies down* Me, mom and Nii-san would go by bus to Chennai to get new passports and than I (and possibly Nathan too) would take the bus from there to B'lore and stay with Vinit and Shezuan for a couple days, then take the bus back up to H'bad.

Oh, and Vin and Shez may or may not try to tag along and crash in H'bad for a while. Anyways... we'll see.

Random note: Have discoverd The Verve. Have discovered the joys of listening to The Verve for aproximately 48 hours straight. *.* Have found dream band! Can play it over and over and over and I never get bored!!! *have listened to Weeping Willow aprox 5028 times to date*

*to the unknowing: Nagas (in this sense) = people from Nagaland, not snakey-people.

[stress: 1/10 (extrordinary)]
[sanity: 7/10 (model citizen!)]
[hunger: 2/10 (just had lunch w/ Salman and mom, must call vinit when get home)]
[fangirlshness: 9.5/10 (SO3 high is fading, to be replaced by Zelda:OoT and FE9 @_@)]
[art: 7/10 (v. good! am sticking to major projects and have discovered joy of coloring in grayscale *wonders if it counts as 'coloring'*)]
[fiction: 2/10 (am starting lots of little random one-shots that die after two or three paragraphs)]
[LHR bookmark: midway through ch. 30, just past 'Porn Star' conversation. XD I always crack up when I read that bit!!! XDXDXDXD]
[currently playing: LoZ:OoT]
[want desperately to play but can't: LoZ:TP, KH II]
[may start playing soon: FE 9]
[net connection: still not up]
[unpacking: still w.i.p.]

travel, video games, blank, hashing

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