See the lazy girl.

Oct 20, 2005 06:06

See the lazy girl. See the lazy girl blog. Blog lazy girl, blog!


Ahem... err... right... bad attempt at humor.

Aside from a breif trip down to visit my old school, absolutely nothing of interest has occured over here.

(Summary of visit to school: plane ride, car ride, saw nii-san, nii-san played fire emblem, missed play, went to eco-toursism place, missed play 2nd night, saw Day After Tomorrow, saw Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow high, saw some ppl who I knew, car ride, plane ride, the end.)

For most of the time spent in a car, I was plugged into my Nirvana and Foo Fighters cds... ugh... brain decay due to repetitivness of listening to one song over and over and... you get the picture (but nice inspiration for possible original shounen-ai plotlines...).

And now... I've started playing Kingdom Hearts again. I noticed that Stygian Solace got updated a while back (3 times... ugh, I am horrible when it comes to keeping up with these things) and since it'd been a while since I'd last read it, I figured a bit of re-capping was in order, so I started re-reading the entier thing...

...and I got through the first part of chap 12 before I gave in to temptation and booted up the ps2. I started right off from the begining again, and seing as how I haven't touched the game in what... 9, 10 months --haven't touched it since last christmas when I got it-- definetly a good idea. Took me about 15 minutes to get used to the battle system again.

And this time around, I'm actually leveling up while I'm at Destiny Islands... can't remember why I didn't last time around, but I've managed to beat Riku four times in dueling so far... fairly pleased with meself.

Must... download... pretty piano song... Arg! *____*

[dA inbox: haven't checked @~@]
[current high: Kingdom Hearts]
[no. of minutes spent creating new icon for current high: 26]
[close runner up for 'current high': FFVIII]
[misc: Squaaaaall...]

kingdom hearts, koadi, trip

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