Prom sleepiness+Small translation

May 17, 2008 18:49

My school's prom was last night~ I didn't really want to go but I was offered a free ticket in the end and so I went afterall (lol). It was actually a lot more fun than I though it was going to be...

We first had dinner at my friend's house--all I ate was the strawberry cake that my friend made tho~! (Gosh I ate so many sweets last night!! -has gained like 10 pounds now prolly-) Then it was my first time to ride in a limo~ it was so cool and the driver was really nice~~ I didn't have a date but I was with friends so it was fun. Then at the dance, there were lots of gross dancing going on>>;;; but I kinda stayed away from that. I didn't dance much and the songs weren't really my taste but it was fun overall (even tho my hearing is dead lol).

Then prom breakfast was most fun~~ we got there late but my friend Aika who didn't go to prom was there~! I was so happy to see her and I hung out with her most of the time *3* I didn't win any prizes but I went in this money booth thing and got $8 yay xD; Then my friend and I played DDR and she picked a really hard song so we both failed so badly lol...Then, at the end, me, Aika, my friend Yinglu, and her boyfriend all decided to take a picture together. lmao we look so stupid..especially me but xD; It was a fun memory to make~

the small version's best since u cant see my face that well lol...haha we're so azn...guess which one's me? 8D
And so, i ended up going to bed at 5am and I woke up at 5pm today : D -so tired-
But so much ugly american rap made me crave some HSJ (lol im so sad)

Translated May's Juicy Jump w/ Hikaru, Yuuto, Takaki, Ryuutaro, and Okamoto~

To Yaotome Hikaru-kun,
I've fallen in love with my childhood friend, but I don't know how to tell him. I don't want to ruin the relationship we have now, though...
                If you don't want to ruin the relationship between the two of you, it'd be better to just wait it out. Until around the time of your high school graudation, it'd definitely be better if you waited it out. When you enter high school, lots of things are bound to change, and even if things go well for you, according to the rules of love, things may end up turning out bad in the end, too. So, it'd be best if you graduated from high school and gained some independence for yourself. If you end up changing schools, there may even be a lot more cool guys that you may come to like.

To Nakajima Yuuto-kun,
My boyfriend has gotten into a different college than me so we're going to have a long distance relationship. I'm worried that he'll fall out of love with me.
               So, you're going to have a long distance relationship, but no worries. If you keep in touch with email or something, then there won't be any problems. "Distrust is a shameful thing" so you should trust your boyfriend. I'd want to know, has your boyfriend done anything to make you doubt him? I understand that you'd be worried, but if you don't worry too much, then you'll be fine. Please continue to do your best with your relationship. Good luck~ Good luck~

To Takaki Yuuya-kun,
I've fallen in love with an older senpai, but how do I let him know that I even exist?
               The most important thing is that you do something that has an impact so that he'll remember you, How about you hand him a letter in front of everyone? He'd probably be pretty surprised by something like that. I mean, it'd be in front of everyone so you'd draw a lot of attention to yourself. Doing something like that would definitely make an impact. If something like that happend to me, I'd definitely remember it. It'd have a huge impact on me.

To Morimoto Ryuutaro-kun,
I've fallen in love for the first time ever. What image comes to mind for Morimoto-kun when you think of first love?
                Huh~~!? Image of love? Something like love at first sight or the first meeting  in your life...Oh, youth, too, since I just became a middle school 4 months ago. Like, even in dramas, middle schoolers talk about love together, right? But I don't want to be in that sort of drama. I mean, right now I can't even think of an ideal image of love.

To Okamoto Keito-kun,
I want to get me and the guy I like a matching item, but are guys into the pair look?
                I'm totally ok with it. I like it if something we each have matches, but if it's something pink or girlish I kinda wouldn't like that. Then again, if the girl I liked gave it to me, then I'd definitely carry it around and wouldn't put up any resistance~ If it were me, I'd probably give the girl I liked a matching cell phone strap. That's about the only pair look I can do.

translation, ramble

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