Apr 05, 2016 18:15
Yoga morning and I was so strong. Glasses off, and I can't compare myself to the other people in the room. I understand what I'm doing and I can move easily from pose to pose, my body holds no grudges.
I'm standing by the car while sidney roots through my things and I don't mind because I'm happy to be standing outside. It's warm and the wind is blowing the leaves of the bushes along the sidewalk and the hair on my arms.
I've been red faced and thinking since yesterday afternoon cycling through feelings and ten years of history. I don't know how to feel so I'm giving myself more time to literally feel it out before I move. So I'm standing at my standing desk squinting, standing at the coffee machine squinting, standing at my car squinting. I don't trust myself when my cheeks turn red.
Tyler, my coanalyst, mentioned Petey Pablo today. He sang "who am i>iii..." and we both sang "petey pab mother fuckaaaaaaaa...." early 2000s rap and I used to be extremely close. We picked up like no time had gone by on the way home.
After I told Rbt about how much I benched today (first time!), i thanked him for giving me space to be a lot of different people, loving me though my cycles. He said, "you're easy to love."
Sidney found herself in the rear view mirror and said, "Sidney!" Like it's a grand discovery. Like it's that easy!