Yours Mine and Ours Chapter 4 Part 2

Jul 15, 2017 01:12

Jared comes to the Padalecki pack

The pack is in a flurry of excitement for the weeks before Jared arrives. Their town and homes are always neat but they make the effort to make sure everything is perfect. Sherri even goes shopping in the next town over to get a few things Jared had said he had liked. Even Jensen gives his room an extra cleaning even though he has no intention of Jared seeing it. It’s the thought that counts and all that. He has plans to avoid Jared so that Jared can have as much of the experience of being with his real family as possible without the illusion that it’s not because of his presence. However, he hadn’t counted on Jared wanting to include him it those family plans.

On the day Jared arrives his parents bring him escorted by a representative from the Kane pack. By now this Were is known in their town so he is welcomed with the Ackles. Everyone is introduced and he wants to fidget under Alan’s gaze. He hardly talks and doesn’t touch them while they have luck and are given a quick tour of the house and town. When the Ackles leave sans Jared he retreats to his room until dinner while Gerald and Sherri take Jared into the study to give him a mini lecture on the history of their pack and to point out all the boundaries so he knows where he can go and can’t. They may have a lot of land and it may be private property but that doesn’t stop the occasional human from wandering about. Last is educate of visiting. Yes all the homes have dog doors for the ease of its occupants but that doesn’t mean he can just wander in and out. Like any normal door he must ask entrance unless he is being lead inside or told that he can enter. The Kane pack had a few homes with dog doors as well and a similar policy so that was that on rules.

As the days passed Jared spent time getting to know all the pack members, particularly other around his own age, making friends where Jensen had not. Because Jared was who he was he was guaranteed to be like and he didn’t prove any of their notions wrong. What Jensen didn’t count on was Jared determination to get to know him. In the end Steve had somehow managed to become the go between for them. If felt and seemed to the outside almost like two little kids playground fight. “Tell Jared I said this” and “tell Jensen I said that” became Steve’s most used vocabulary. The poor guy bless his heart never deterred from delivering the messages, he wouldn’t give up on the two of them when others would have. Jensen was grateful and grew closer to Steve and in a way Jared. Some of the hurt he had at being replaced by Jared melted away and he gives in to the idea of liking Jared. Ever since Jared had arrived he had felt a slight pull towards him but he had ignored it and push the feeling away. It had been growing over time which is part of the reason that he is still mostly ignoring Jared. He doesn’t know what this feeling is he has for Jared and he is afraid to find out.

Half way through Jared’s stay Jared manages to get into Jensen’s room. Mainly because Sherri ordered him to go and get Jensen to come out for a picnic to celebrate the Fourth of July. Jared takes that as an invitation that he can go into Jensen’s room to go get him. He could have knocked but this could be his one and only chance to see Jensen alone and how he lives. Jared had been intrigued that first night when after dinner Jensen had excused himself to deb and then gone outside. He had watched from the kitchen window as Jensen had gone out to the little garden shed that more resembled a children’s play house and went inside. When Jensen didn’t come out after a few minutes he turned to ask Sherri who was at the sink washing dishes about it. He had learned that since the age of twelve Jensen had been living permanently in the shed. It had been converted into a living space with the look of a studio apartment minus full kitchen and bath. Jensen kept it private, they didn’t even go out there often anymore. Jared had wanted to see it immediately but there was no dog door and he was aware of Jensen’s avoidance. He found out about Steve by accident not long after by asking around about Jensen to the other people who would have been his friends. Only Steve told him anything of value and head brought him a message first. From then on it was Steve for everything Jensen. Now he would get to satisfy his curiosity and maybe get some answers to some of his questions about Jensen from the boy himself.

Jared gave a quick knock and entered the shed without waiting for a reply. He was frozen in wonder with the door still open behind him at the sight of Jensen’s room. It was a studio apartment. The main space was carpeted and one side had a large couch designed dog bed with a lamp next to it. Above it on the wall were shelves of books. In the middle of the room was a small low Japanese style table with cushion seats. The opposite wall was a work sink with some counter space and a hotplate. Under the sink was a mini fridge like in a hotel room. There was a toaster oven on a shelf above the counter along with pots, pans and food stuffs. Opposite the door was a wall that was only three fourths the room length and it had to house a toilet and small standing shower since Jensen didn’t come into the main house to bathe. The most important thing to note was Jensen who was next to him on a stool chair hands poised over a laptop sitting on a shelf built onto the wall like a desk. Jensen is shirtless and wearing a pair of boxers and something in Jared has him wanting to get a whole lot closer to Jensen then should be polite. They stare at each other for a moment before Jared stammers that Jensen is coming to their picnic as per Sherri’s orders and then flees in embarrassment.

Later at the picnic he sees Jensen with Steve and all he can do is look when he wants to get closer. Jensen keeps an eye on Jared as well and is torn between getting closer to him or keeping his distance. The pull he has always felt towards Jared hums now and since Jared had come into his room a few hours ago he can’t stop thinking about him. He gets flustered thinking about Jared watching him and possibly touching him. He can’t deny that he is attracted to Jared, he has been since he saw him in person for the first time but he denies himself that as well. Jared could on some level be considered family in the sense that they were both raised by each other’s families and will now switch places and create a blended family. Alan and Donna will never completely let go of Jared and in a way Gerald and Sherri can’t completely let go of him. Or at least he hopes that is true since he has begun to think about the future beyond leaving the pack to study. Will he be forced to leave the pack permanently since he will be an adult soon and he isn’t a Were or a Padalecki? He will eventually have to ask these question of Gerald but for now he prefers not to.

For the majority of the picnic Jared and Jensen are never more than forty to fifty feet apart but they don’t interact. Eventually they are separated when Jared is talked into going for a run with most of the pack. Jensen had never seen Jared in wolf form but now he does and he likes what he sees. Jared is a handsome wolf, a bit fluffy but big and well-muscled and his coat of dark brown and sable is glossy. If Jensen allowed himself to touch he would have buried his face in Jared’s scruff. But instead, when Jared looks at him he looks down at his feet until they shifted pack has taken off. When they return before dusk to see the few fireworks that are allowed Jared sits no more than ten feet away and Jensen makes Steve sit between them as a buffer.

When they get home Jensen discovers that he is out of soda when he goes to raid his fridge. There is a note from Steve who said he stopped by on his run and took said soda, he’ll repay Jensen for it later. Jensen thinks about skipping the soda but decides he’ll make a quick run to the house and get some from the pantry. Jared is in the kitchen as if he was waiting for him to come in. When Jensen tries to go past him Jared grabs his arm. A shock sparks between them and Jensen feels his whole body tingle and grow warm. They both look down at where Jared’s giant hand circles Jensen’s forearm.

“Steve was right,” Jared says and they look up into each other’s eyes. “I think we’re mates and Steve is pretty sure we are too. He told me we’d know when we touched.”

Jensen’s face flushes red with his blush and he shakes his head no even as he feels arousal in his groin and gut. The urge to touch Jared and be touched in return has his heart and breathe speed up. But it can’t be true even if he wants it to be and he breaks Jared’s hold on him as he says so.

“You’re wrong, we can’t be mates” Jensen was shaking his head and wrapping his arms around his torso like he wanted to hug himself. Really he would like Jared to do that but he can’t let it happen, he just can’t, he knows the rules.

“Why not?” Jared was confused. He felt a very strong tug to Jensen being a wolf but even though Jensen was human he should feel some of that pull. In a phone call he’d made minutes before Jensen came in Mike had told him there would be and he would know since he was Tom’s mate and human like Jensen. There was also other stories of Were and human matings to draw information from if there were no other mixed couples in the Kane pack. There were none in the Padalecki pack to show or talk about.

“I’m not Were” Jensen stated as if Jared didn’t know this or that this was some indisputable fact.

“I know” Jared nodded but Jensen didn’t say anything else and looked at Jared like he would understand. “What does you having to be human have to do with us being mates?”

“Humans and Weres can’t be mates it doesn’t work like that.”

Jared’s mouth actually dropped open as Jensen elaborated further on his previous explanation. “Where did you hear that?” He finally managed to get out almost shouting and Jensen flinched a bit at the angry tone of his voice.

“It’s a fact, didn’t your pack teach you? Didn’t you read your pack’s history book?”

Jared was so stunned all he could do was huff and shake his head for a minute in wonder and disbelief. He had talked to his Alpha about mates, in fact he had called him this very day he had understood that Jensen was his mate. As for pack history books he had seen and read a little of the Kane’s pack history but since he was adopted into it he didn’t pay much attention to anything besides the last few years before he had joined. Important matings were mentioned and all matings were indexed in the back. In the Kane pack books a designation was attached to the couple’s names.

“I don’t know what your pack history shows and maybe it’s because yours is smaller or more isolated that it doesn’t have any mixed matings but it is possible. The Kane pack has had a few and some of their members have gone into other packs with mixed matings. It’s possible” Jared spoke gently as Jensen shook his head and hugged himself tighter. He refrains from mentioning Mike and Tom just yet.

“No your wrong,” Jensen’s voice cracked “why are you doing this?” Tears were coming into his eyes and Jared took a step towards him and he took one back. “Who’s outside? Whose joke is this?” Jensen looked around wildly and before Jared could answer he turned and fled out the back door.

Jared was frozen to the spot in shock for a moment before he started after Jensen but by the time he had made it out the door and off the porch Jensen was slamming the door to his little shed house and Jared’s sharp hearing could pick up the bolt locks being shoved into place.

Even with his sharpened senses alerting Jared to when Jensen left his room he didn’t see him or catch him for three and a half days. Those almost complete four days had been torture. All he thought about was Jensen. How Jensen looked, what he smelled like, the sound of his voice, that one brief and small feeling of soft skin under his palm. He wanted to barge into Jensen’s room and argue with him about his ideas of mates but he knew that would only make things worse. He had to let Jensen come to him and he thanked God or whoever was up in the heaven looking down on him when Jensen appeared in the doorway of his borrowed room on the evening of that fourth day. Jared had been reading a book on the Padalecki pack history when Jensen showed up. He didn’t move afraid that Jensen would bolt again if he so much as breathed too hard. Jensen had noticed the book Jared was reading and grimaced.

“Have you gotten far?” Jensen asked his voice low.

“No” Jared lied “I just started.” In truth he had been scouring the book for any mention of Were’s and humans not being able to mate. What he had read so far didn’t outright say it but it was hinted at and there was no mixed pairing in any indexes he had seen for the past sixty or seventy years.

“I read some of yours” Jensen made a quick gesture in his verge direction and Jared was confused. It must have showed because Jensen clarified his deed. “The books on Kane pack history. I found an email address for the representative and took the risk of asking about their history. I told them you were interested in a female friend of mine and didn’t want to upset any of the members of the packs particularly the Alpha if the rules were different. I didn’t think that whoever read the message would believe me but they wrote back. They sent me a few scanned pages as long as I promised to delete them.” Jensen finished and looked expectantly at Jared.

“And what did you think of what you read?” Jared did his best to sound neutral and not hopeful or mocking to Jensen.

“That our packs are very different” Jensen states the obvious but Jared won’t interrupt. “But for some reason I find the Kane material to be more true. No mating at least” Jensen hastens to add the last part. The ways and history of the Padalecki pack are hard wired into him and he isn’t ready to doubt or dismiss anything of it yet. Admitting that he thinks the Kane pack is better but not right is bending the rules of what he has always believed to be true. The question is will be bend enough to be Jared’s mate. “If we…mate” Jensen looks a little nervous “you can’t take it back.” It’s a mix between a question and an accusation.

“No I couldn’t and I wouldn’t want to” Jared confirms and adds on his own feelings. “I haven’t had much time to get to know you personally as you have been avoiding me” Jared is blunt about that and Jensen looks down at his feet. “But what I have learned and heard of you I like, and I do like you for how little I know you. I feel that pull to you that I can’t ignore and I think about you all the time, even before we touched. If you let me get to know you I would bet my life that I would love you. And maybe you would see that I’m not so bad and you could love me too one day. I don’t expect you to overnight, I know this isn’t a romance novel, but we could make it as much or little of one as possible if you give me the chance.”

Jensen glances up at Jared, his eyes looking over his face judging his expression to see if it matches the voice which had grown in passion as Jared had gone on before looking back down and studying his feet. Jared waits, and waits and waits until he thinks Jensen won’t speak again and just stand there all night. But at last before Jared gives in the urge to get up and try to approach him he speaks.

“Tonight come to my room, around ten” Jensen’s voice is a soft whisper and Jared thinks for a second that he must have heard wrong but Jensen is already leaving and Jared doesn’t want to call out to him least he change his mind.

At five after ten Jared is knocking on Jensen’s door and this time he waits for Jensen to answer it. This has to be Jensen’s decision to work. He is beyond ready and isn’t afraid to admit he spent the rest of the day thinking about what could happen tonight. Jensen opens the door and stands to the side allowing Jared to enter. Jared sees that he is dressed in pajama bottoms and a louse ratty t-shirt a size to big. Jared is in shorts and a t-shirt but he is barefoot. Jared is unsure of where to sit as Jensen closes the door. If he sits on Jensen’s bed is he being presumptions and impatient? If he sits at the table will Jensen think he has or might reconsider? The problem is solved when Jensen moves past him and takes the sitting cushions over to the bed placing them against the wall. Jensen sits with his back against the wall using a cushion as a backrest. Jared quickly joins him and their legs almost brush.

“I want to go to medical school,” Jensen says and it’s not something Jared was expecting.

Jared has made no plans for college at the moment but he knows whatever he picks it won’t be medicine. He has no objection to it but he is sure that it’s not for him. It would take forever and cost a lot and the lab and intern hours would be long…oh. Jensen is testing the waters before he commits and that is actually a great idea. “Okay, I don’t have a problem with that. To be honest I haven’t decided what I want to do yet but I won’t stop you from doing what you want to.”

It seems to be the right answer as Jensen leans over quickly and gives Jared a kiss on the cheek. Jared is happy and moves his leg so that it does brush Jensen’s from mid-thigh to ankle.

“Are you comfortable with moving away from the packs?” Jensen places his hand on Jared’s leg and Jared has to focus to keep it still and not close his legs to hide the erection he is getting.

“Going to school means going away and I am just getting to know this pack. The Kane pack I only joined less than two years ago. I am sure there will be other packs in the area we go to school. I haven’t seen to many wolves join this pack in the books lately but some have left and the Kane pack wolves come and go so it can’t be that hard. I will want to be where you are, that is what is important.”

Jensen leans against him as his hand travels up Jared’s leg to his groin. “I want to mate with you Jared” he moves his torso so he can look up at Jared.

“I want to mate with you Jensen” Jared leans down to kiss him on the lips for the first time. They spend a few minutes kissing and exploring each other’s bodies with roaming hands for a while. What must be a half hour later they break apart after Jared has leaned over enough that Jensen falls awkwardly to his back, twisted at the side like an L.

“How do you want me?” Jensen’s voice wavers a little but he is looking right into Jared’s eyes. Jared pulls him up to kiss him again before he answers.

“I want to be able to see you, your face, but it would be much easier for you, for both of us really if we did it the traditional way. On all fours” he did not say doggie style like most humans would call it. That would have been offensive and derogatory even through Jensen was human. Also, he winces as for a split second the picture of two dogs humping pops into his mind. He hopes that image didn’t come into Jensen’s. Or that of a human and a dog, that would be worst case scenario and that would put Jensen off their mating for sure and then them night never have sex.

Jensen nodded pulling the cushion out from behind him and kneads it a few times. He pulls his shirt over his head and sets it aside before slowly turning over and getting onto his knees. He is slow to pull down his pants but he does lifting one knee at a time to get them the rest of the way down his legs. He watches Jared as he follows suite only slightly faster. They look at each other’s bodies before Jared leans in to kiss Jensen again. When he draws back Jensen gives him a small quick smile before leaning over to put the cushion at the top of his bed and fall forward onto his hands his head hanging and the back of his neck exposed. The sight of him vulnerable and trusting with his back to Jared and neck beard made a shiver of excitement and arousal flow over this spine and tingle in his gut.

He lightly stroked the smooth skin of Jensen’s back feeling him flinch when his fingers first connected with his flesh. He was saddened by this reaction but didn’t let up as he tracked his fingers over the knobs of Jensen’s spine that stuck out. Jensen was too thin but Jared would worry about that later, there would be plenty of time to fatten his mate up once they had consummated and cemented the bond that would form between them. Jared wanted to map out the freckles that were scattered over Jensen’s should and back, maybe trace constellations there with his tongue but again that would have to be another time. He could feel Jensen shivering slightly under his touch and bent forward to plant a kiss at the base of Jensen’s neck. His hands move to Jensen’s hips and one begins to stroke Jensen’s butt. After a bit of this he trails a finger through the cleft and prods a little. Jensen flinches and Jared withdraws to stroking again, his other hand moving down and to the inside to stroke Jensen’s cock. Jensen is half hard and it doesn’t take much to get him fully aroused. Jared again probes the inside of Jensen’s cleft and ghosts over his hole.

“Do you have any lube?” Jared hadn’t thought about that but it’s kind of obvious now. Jensen is not a woman and even if he was Jared is not planning on sticking his cock in any vagina.

Jensen teeters for a moment as a hand wanders under to corner of his bed and he pulls out a container of Vaseline. He fumbles with it one handed but manages to get the lid off before reaching back to hand it to Jared. Jared takes it using the hand that was exploring Jensen’s hole so that he doesn’t stop stroking Jensen’s cock. But in the end he has to to scoop out a glob of Vaseline and rub it between his hands to warm it up and make it thinner and smoother. It isn’t the best material but it will do and it is better than vegetable oil, soap or spit. When he has it the consistency he wants it he goes back to stroking Jensen’s cock. He uses the back of his hand to stroke Jensen’s but and cleft again before moving in to probe at his hole. After coating the outside he works a finger in to the second knuckle. Jensen tenses up a bit and Jared holds it still. After a moment Jensen loosens up and Jared pulls it back out. Getting a little more Vaseline on it from his palm he tries again. Jensen doesn’t tense up this time and he is able to get it all the way in. He rotates it inside Jensen which is warm and spongy before moving it slowly in and out. When it gets a bit dry he retreats to recoat it. This time once the finger is in he slowly adds the second. It isn’t as easy as he thought it would be and he thanks God his fingers are so dexterous. Jared begins to scissor his fingers and Jensen goes tense again and Jared stops and waits. After a while they get into a rhythm of Jared rotating and stretching him open with the scissoring motion only to withdraw and add more Vaseline. Soon Jared has three finger and then four inside Jensen. He was sure he could have gotten away with three but he doesn’t want even the possibility of hurting Jensen when he finally penetrates him. And boy does he want to. As Jensen grew accustomed to Jared’s fingers he must have felt good because he had started to moan and gasp and twice he gave a strangled cry and his insides clamped down on Jared’s fingers. He has been fully aroused the whole time and not able to touch himself to get any relief because he has kept up stroking Jensen’s cock instead of his own.

“If you don’t get inside me know I’ll come on your hand and fingers” Jensen’s words interrupt his thoughts and Jared does not want that.

Pulling his fingers out he lets go of Jensen’s cock to get a fresh glob of Vaseline and warms it quickly before smearing it all over his own cock. When that is done he lines up behind Jensen spreading Jensen’s cleft open so he can see what he is doing. With the other hand he guides himself to Jensen’s hole and begins to push slowly in. Despite Jared’s stretching Jensen still hisses and clamps down a little. Jared holds still and let’s go of himself to reach around and stroke Jensen’s now half hard cock. When Jensen is fully erect again Jared pushes in a little more. He rocks a bit on his knees inching out and further in on each forward rocking motion. When his hips meet Jensen’s butt he waits for Jensen to adjust the muscles around his cock flexing. He moves the hand that was holding Jensen exposed to his hip to steady them. After a while the flexing lessens and Jared pulls back slowly till he is almost completely out before easing his way back in completely. He rocks back and forth faster and faster building up a good rhythm until he has surpassed the speed of his hand and has to work harder to match pumping hips pace. The room is filled with moans and groans and the sound of skin on skin and the slapping of their thighs and balls meeting and separating.

Jensen surprises Jared when he goes down on his elbows and the angle is abruptly changed. On the second meeting of their bodies at the new position Jensen cries out his back hallowing and his head coming up. His inner muscles clamp tight for a moment and Jared gives a hiss of pleasure at the pressure. He knows that he must have hit Jensen’s prostate. He now tries to replicate that move to find that spot. He is sort of successful managing to hit it very third or fourth thrust. After that it doesn’t take long before Jensen is seizing up on him and crying out his name as he comes in Jared’s hand. With a few last thrusts Jared is also coming Jensen’s name on his lips. Jared stays tight against Jensen as the aftershock run though both of them. After that Jared guides Jensen down and sideways so they can spoon together as they recover. It’s only when Jared goes to pull out that he notices the sticky wetness between them is not just sweat and a little Vaseline. Jensen’s loose and flexing muscles allow a little of the cum and Vaseline mixture to slowly leak out and onto their tangled limbs. Jared hadn’t even asked about a condom, hadn’t even thought about it and Jensen hadn’t mentioned it either and since he didn’t ask Jared to pull out he probably hadn’t thought about it either.

The only reassuring thing he can think of in light of this is that being a Were he is not as susceptible to sickness and disease as a human is so he is unlikely to pass anything on since he is unlikely to catch anything. Also, he was a virgin and he is positive Jensen is…or was one too as of a few minutes ago. Unless Jensen somehow got something via blood in some unthinkable way they are both clean. That being said they should still have probably used a condom. Lastly, the Vaseline they had used as lube was sticky and oily on their skin and he was just now remembering how hard it was to get off even with water and soap. And with that thought, he knew that they were never going to fit in the shower together and he was unsure of how big Jensen’s hot water tank was. He was damned if he was going to do the walk of shame into the house to clean up under the noses of his newly met biological parents who had raised the boy he had just fucked. Plus he didn’t want to be away from Jensen.

As their heart rates slowed and the focus they had been spending on one another expanded back to the whole of the room he could feel something inside him that hadn’t been there just a short time ago. He knew how he felt but there was a layer of extra feeling on top of those and he knew that they must be Jensen’s. He was also more aware of Jensen’s body next to his without focusing on it. He could smell the base tone of Jensen which was like earth and new books and honey. He was hyper aware of Jensen’s breathing and heart beating under his skin. Human or not Jensen would feel some of this from Jared. They had mated fully and created a bond that would last for the rest of their lives.

“I think we should clean up, this bed is a bitch to clean” Jensen sat up wincing a little and slowly climbed to his feet. He seemed to take stalk of himself for a moment before moving gingerly to where his tiny bathroom was. By the time he reached it he was almost walking normally. Jared got up and followed him and they took turns in the shower scrubbing at their privates vigorously with a washcloth until they couldn’t stand it on their recently sensitive flesh. When they were done Jensen redressed as he had been before and so did Jared. His shorts were warn enough and soft enough to sleep in and the t-shirt didn’t matter. Jensen took one of the damp towels from drying off and wiped up as best he could the bed. It would still have to go through the wash but it was okay for tonight. Jared insisted on spooning up with Jensen and even if unfamiliar the sex and inner battle with his emotions to let Jared mate him must have warn him out because he fell asleep in no time. Jared stayed awake a bit longer and watched Jensen sleep.

Their first time had been messy and quick but it had been good, at least he hoped Jensen felt that way but it had not been perfect. He would do better next time he promised Jensen silently as he spooned him in a tight cuddle making sure that Jensen couldn’t wiggle out of his embrace without his notice. He would have to plan something nice for Jensen to show how much he appreciated Jensen agreeing to mate and not ignore his feelings and Jared for the rest of time. With Jensen warm and secure against him he drifted off to sleep and remained like that for several hours of blissful peace. When Jared woke up it was early early morning. Jensen woke up when Jared got up to stretch and Jared told him he was going for a run before going back into the house. Jensen muttered something about it being too early and Jensen wasn’t going to be walking him. Jared smiled as he went out and even with just a few solid hours of sleep was energetic on his run. Back in the house he washed again using lots of soap so he didn’t smell like Jensen which he wanted to. He wanted everyone to know but that probably wasn’t a good idea at the moment. After breakfast he and Jensen went for a walk to the park talking about how they should act. They decided to act as if they were making friends since they would be getting to know each other and hang out. They could be together in private but Jensen didn’t want any public shows of affection in public, at least not yet. They would tell Gerald and Sherri before going to visit the Kane pack, maybe a month or three weeks before so they could get used to the idea before they left.

But their plans like all good plans hit a snag that neither of them could foresee. Jared who hadn’t told anyone of the Padalecki pack, not even Jensen or Gerald and Sherri about his hybrid form decided to do it when he and Jensen told everyone about their mating. They were out for a BBQ on the evening of the full moon when the pack would all go for a run together when it happened. It was two weeks till they were to leave and it was now or never. Jared had held Jensen off a week earlier so he could include his hybrid form at a time when it would be easiest for him. As everyone was preparing for the run Jared called attention that he had an announcement to make. When he had almost all eyes on him he shifted into his hybrid form. The reaction he got was not the one he was hoping for and he thought quite bad. Jensen who had been next to him actually screamed and jumped away. Amid the gasps and curses of half the pack members and one older member fainting Jared reverted back to his human form. He was getting ready to run away when Sherri caught him up in a hug and she and Gerald herded him back home. He had wanted to turn around and see if Jensen was following but he couldn’t as Gerald and Sherri were sandwiching him tight between them.

When they got back to the house they took him right into the study and he got scared of what was going to happen. Instead of any of the bad things he was imaging Sherri got a very old book down from a shelf behind the computer desk at the back of the room. She opened it and after some leafing through its pages gave it to him. Jared couldn’t help but be fascinated by what was in its pages. The first one had drawings of a Were like him in human, wolf and hybrid form. There was some writing about how this was caused by a gene that was dormant but ran back to the time of the first Weres when they hadn’t quite been their own species yet but mutated humans. It was a gene that was passed down in pure bloodlines and was considered good luck for the pack it belonged to. They had more power and could better mesh their two selves to do increasable things. They were often the Alphas of not only there packs but of large territories back when there were no states and countries were still forming.  They always mated a strong Alpha female and had several children who could carry the gene on to possible future generations.

Jared got nervous and felt a bit disheartened by this news. He had mated and not to an Alpha or a female. He wouldn’t give up Jensen for anything. They had grown to know each other very well, minus Jared keeping his hybrid form secret and he was in love with Jensen. He had also said that he was okay with Jensen going to college for a medical degree and he was not going to go back on his word. That meant that they would be away for a long time and who knew where Jensen would get a residency when he graduated. Any good hospitals were not out in the country that was for sure. He could never be Alpha of the Padalecki pack and he was not going to take over the Kane pack or any other pack. He decided that he wasn’t going to give Gerald or Sherri any solid answers to any of those questions should they arise until after he talked to Jensen. Jensen. He hoped that he hadn’t ruined what he had with Jensen. Jensen didn’t trust easily and Jared had kept a big secret from him. He hoped that Jensen would speak to him later and forgive him. He didn’t know what he would do if Jensen refused to speak to him.

When he was able to leave the study he took the book with the hybrid information with him. He went to his room and waited as long as he could before climbing out the window to sneak over to Jensen’s room. He looked around wildly to make sure no one was watching as he crossed the yard and knocked on Jensen’s door. He was very glad Jensen answered but was not happy to see Steve inside at the table. He was relieved when Steve excused himself to wait outside so that Jared and Jensen could have some privacy. However, he looked Jared straight in the eyes and said he would come running if Jensen needed him and special super wolf or no he would throw Jared out.

Jared nodded and when Steve was gone got immediately to apologizing and explaining and asking for forgiveness. Jensen didn’t speak or look at him the whole tie and when Jared’s words finally ran out he felt like crying. But to his surprise Jensen hugged him and then he did cry. Jensen had been and was still upset but he understood to some extent why Jared hadn’t told him. In a way he was like Jensen himself. Different. Only unlike with Jensen no one could tell by looking at him or being around him. Jensen knew what it felt like to be scared and nervous that no one would understand. And it was strange to see Jared like that especially so suddenly. He asked Jared not to do it again in front of him but that maybe they would work up to it slowly. Like Jared could hide under a blanket and Jensen could look a bit at a time to get used to it. Jared agreed even if he felt it was better to use the all at once approach like ripping a Band-Aid off instead of peeling a bit at a time.

The last two weeks were awkward with some of the pack taking time to be at ease around him again. He didn’t blame them all that much, the Kane pack had been the same way. By the time that he and Jensen were to leave things were back to the way they had been the week after he had arrived. Alan and Donna came to pick them up and plans were made that at the end of their time with the Kane pack they would all meet in a neutral forest reserve designated for the meeting of packs for the boys eighteen birthday. Then it would be decided what would happen with the assumption Jared would take his rightful place in the Padalecki pack and family and Jensen would go to live with his family. Weather the Ackles stayed with the Kane pack or not would be up the Alpha and the Ackles since none of them were Weres.

The car ride was filled with Jared talking about his new parents and siblings and experiences with the new pack members and what he had learned of his history and the fun things he did. Jensen didn’t talk much and he was glad that Jared took up most of the time. He would get to know his new family soon enough and it didn’t matter too much in the end to him. When he turned eighteen he was going to graduate high school and start college, real physical college not just the stuff he had been doing. He would have to move away and while they could always talk on the phone or visit over the holidays if Jensen wasn’t bogged down with class work or the travel to far he wouldn’t be around.

When they reached the Kane pack neighborhood Jensen was told that he would have some time to settle in and that the Alpha and his family would be over for dinner but he would meet the rest of the pack the next day. Jared insisted on Jensen sharing his room and after much pleading and negotiating Alan and Donna Okayed it. Jared and Jensen had never told the Padalecki pack or Gerald and Sherri that they had mated. So it was only fair that they didn’t tell Alan and Donna or any of the Kane pack later.

Jensen felt a bit overwhelmed meeting his new siblings and talking to his aunt Sara on skype family style using the large tv screen in the living room. He was asked a million questions and would have had a mini breakdown if Jared wasn’t there to buffer for him. The Ackles were a close and energetic family unlike the Padalecki’s. The Padalecki’s were close but just not as much with him and they were energetic in a different way. At one point Jared had taken Donna out of the room to talk with her and when they came back she was better about reining in the rest of the excited questioning. Jensen was beyond talked out when Sara finally signed off and told everyone to get ready for dinner. She had made lasagna and it had been cooking while they had been talking. All that was left to do was toss a salad and heat up some garlic bread and call the Kane’s over.

Meeting the Kane’s was interesting since none of them sniffed at him and he got handshakes instead of hugs. He was welcomed and told that he could go where he wanted and if he was uncomfortable with someone it was okay to leave or ask the other person to do so. Alpha Kane understood that this would be a change from what he was used to. With that it was into the dining room where he sat next to Jared and opposite his parents. Dinner was more questions but it was tempered with pauses to eat the food in front of them. He answered many of the same questions that had been asked of him less than an hour ago. When they were done, the Kane’s gone and the left overs and dishes put away Donna surprised them by announcing that she, Alan, Josh and Mackenzie were going to a movie so that Jensen could have some time to settle in and calm his nerves. The meeting with the rest of the Kane pack tomorrow was going to be even more taxing, at least at first. For one there were more people Jensen’s age and some of them, mainly Chad and Mike and Sophia had no filters.

When they were gone and Jared and Jensen alone in the house Jared took him on a very quick tour before bringing him into his bedroom. After a brief inspection of the room Jensen was nearly tackled onto the bed by Jared who kissed him fiercely. When they broke apart for air Jensen let himself be undressed between more kissing. They had made out since they had first mated and traded a few hand jobs and one very sloppy blowjob session but they hadn’t had sex again. Jared aimed to change that now that he had a proper bed and supplies to work with. Unlike Jensen he had lube and while everyone was washing up for dinner he had snuck into his brother’s room and taken a condom from his brother’s stash. His brother had so many he wouldn’t miss one.

When Jensen went to turn onto his hands and knees one the bed Jared stopped him. “I want to see you this time” he said as he removed the covers and positioned Jensen on his back with his legs spread wide so Jared could kneel in between. Jared bent over and took Jensen’s cock in his mouth and sucked and licked until Jensen was fully hard. Then Jared took out the lube he had and the condom.

Jensen took the lube to look it over and the condom which he dropped over the side of the bed. He stopped Jared by wrapping his legs around him when he made to get up and get it. “We don’t need that Jared, we’ve only been with each other and I trust it’s going to stay that way. Besides I like the idea of a part of you staying in me for a while.”

Jared instantly liked that idea too but he had just one problem. “The sheets will be dirty and even if I don't wash them tonight I don’t do the laundry.”

“Good thing for you I am used to doing my own so I know how. We can just wash them when everyone is out and if anyone asks we say we spilled some soda or food one them. Now get back to what you were doing I find it very calming.” Jensen let his legs fall back open onto the bed and Jared leaned over him to kiss him breathless.

Propping Jensen’s hips up using two pillows Jared worked Jensen open while occasionally blowing him. When Jensen was ready Jared added his last pillow and leaned down over Jensen catching his legs up so the crock of Jensen’s knees were in the crock of his elbows and Jensen’s legs folded back on themselves opening Jensen naturally to Jared. Jared kissed him as he thrust inside in one swift move his hips coming to rest against Jensen’s ass. He stayed still for a moment and released Jensen’s mouth so that they huffed air into each other’s faces. After a moment Jensen nodded his head and Jared began to move. It was easier than the first time and Jared experimented with slowing down and speeding up and changing angles and different was to stroke Jensen. He soon had Jensen beginning to cum as he had stopped stroking Jensen’s cock and clamped his finger around the base like he had seen in a few porn movies he had watched during puberty to stop Jensen from cuming a while back. They would have to work on stamina but then again in his experimenting Jared had managed to find Jensen’s prostate and enjoyed hitting it to see Jensen’s reaction to the pleasure. Finally when he was getting a bit sensitive and about to cum he let go of the base and started stroking Jensen’s cock again. It only took a few strokes in time with his thrusts to have Jensen screaming and coming. He hoped that the neighbors hadn’t heard Jensen since he had been pretty loud but then all thought went away as he came. He must have whited out for a second but was proud to find his hips giving little jerks when he came to. He couldn’t hold himself up any longer and he didn’t want to crush Jensen so he laid down on top and the rolled them so Jensen was on top. This caused him to slip half way out of Jensen but not completely. Jensen made no move to get him all the way out or put him back in as they rested. When they were back to normal body function rates Jensen rolled off Jared hissing a little as they separated.

Without speaking but with kisses every so often they stripped the sheets from the bed and piled them on the floor. They got their sleep wear and went into the bathroom which had a big enough shower that they took one together and helped each other get clean. After that Jensen took the sheets downstairs to be washed and Jared found a spare set in the hall closet and remade the bed. They were tired and lazy after the sex and warm shower so they just laid in bed while Jared told Jensen about his friends and other pack members so Jensen would know what to expect. Jensen wished now that he had done this for Jared and said so. Jared reassured him that it was okay. When the rest of the Ackles came home they managed to pull themselves out of bed long enough to say their goodnights and then went to cuddle up and sleep. Jared’s door didn’t have a lock but he assured Jensen that no one would enter without being invited. Jensen fell asleep quickly after that.

The next day was hectic and Jensen was glad that Jared had told him so much. He was welcomed into Jared’s circle of friends immediately and while they were curious about him life and that of the Padalecki pack they didn’t pry when they noticed he was uncomfortable. The rest of the pack was welcoming as well and it was such a change from home he had to take breaks away from the mass of people to get himself centered every now and then. When the pack wanted to run Jensen was offered a mountain bike to ride along on one of the wider trails that their running path followed and occasionally crossed. This was a surprise and after a quick dash to a secluded spot to wipe a few tears away he accepted. He was slower than the wolves but a few hung back at his speed and besides Jared who he knew by sight he figured that some of the wolves who stayed pace with him were Jared’s friends. He had a thought of Steve and wondered if he would have done the same thing. But that thought fled as he concentrated on moving quickly so that staying behind with him wouldn’t be boring to the wolves around him. When the day was over he was exhausted but had the energy to trade hand jobs with Jared before they went to bed.

Time passed quickly as he opened up to the friendly nature of the Kane pack. He shared most of his life openly with the Ackles, but not everything. They didn’t need to know about his nervous ticks or his scratching himself raw and the few times he had actually cut himself. They didn’t need to hear how he had felt so depressed most of the time before making himself as isolated as possible. He didn’t tell them this was some of the happiest times of his life. A month into his stay he told them about his studies and what he wanted to do. It was only fair since they had been honest with him in everything he asked and even things he didn’t ask about. They were sad that he wouldn’t be staying but they did give him something to think about. If he and Jared traded places to be with the families they were supposed to be in would the Padalecki pack still pay for his schooling? He wasn’t a member of the Kane pack and if he stayed with them they weren’t sure that they would even be a part of it if Jared left. Jensen decided he would ask Gerald when they met for his and Jared’s eighteenth birthday.

In the blink of an eye their birthdays were coming up when Chris told them he had figured out that they were mates. He had known for a while but hadn’t wanted to let on that he knew hoping that they would tell him themselves. As future Alpha of the Kane pack it was his job to know who was mated to who. He didn’t object to their mating, he congratulated them even, but as future Alpha he was also supposed to know about other packs in the area or packs that posed problems for him and those under him. And the Padalecki’s could be a problem especially if they found out about Jared and Jensen mating. It wasn’t a matter of them not telling the Alpha or whatever it had to do with the fact that they were a traditional pack and didn’t like the idea of human and Were mixed matings. They also weren’t going to like the fact that their lucky and powerful hybrid Were was not going to produce a litter of pups. Last Chris knew of Jensen’s desire to be a doctor and knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay on the Padalecki land. Jared couldn’t and wouldn’t want to be without his mate and that meant not staying with the Padalecki’s. Jared would be free to join another pack as he had the Kane pack originally. All the luck he might bring, the power he possessed and whatever else they deemed to heap upon a hybrid Were would be denied them and given to another possibly inferior pack.

It gave them something to think about as the big day drew near. They had a few ideas that they came up with should they be thrown a curveball when they related the news of their mating and Jensen trying to go to college. They hoped that both packs would be accommodating but if they weren’t it wouldn’t be the end of the world. They would be eighteen and not bound to follow the packs orders. Jared goes to talk with Chris one day when Jensen is busy having game time with Josh and Mackenzie. He has been emailing Steve to test the water on some of his theories of what might happen and he doesn’t like the answers. He asks Chris for a big favor that would be a leap of faith on his part. Chris makes him go over his favor and idea until it becomes a plan and then goes over it again and again to work out any flaws. It is past time Jared should be back and he has called the house to say he’ll be a bit longer. Chris finally agrees to Jared’s now proposal and all that is left is for Jared to convince Jensen.

Jared’s plan is to borrow a car from Chris and some money that would have been his had he stayed with the Kane pack. He and Jensen will leave both packs and strike out on their own. Jensen has already started college and he can keep it up online for a while until he needs his lab and other physical classes. They can both work until then and Jensen can apply for a scholarship or grant or financial aid at any college he wants. With Jensen’s grade history, his already completed classes and his new financial and living status Jared is sure that Jensen will get something to help him pay for college. Maybe he’ll even be eligible for low income or free student housing. Jared will of course live with him even if he has to pretend to be Jensen’s pet most of the time. They can make it work if they try and if Jensen is willing.

Jared makes his pitch to Jensen with a week left before their birthdays. He chooses to do it after a round of sex when the family is out of the house for various reasons. He lays it all out for Jensen and can feel Jensen tense up at the plan.

“We can do it Jen, a pack of our own, a pack of two. Or we could be like the Kane pack or we can think of something all our own. We could even join a pack close to whatever college you get into or none at all. We don’t have to stay with either the Kane pack or the Padalecki pack. I know you were planning on leaving anyway so I know it’s not your family you’re worried about hurting. Also by leaving the Padalecki pack you aren’t one of them, you’re not a Were and you are not related. ” Jared knows that’s a bit harsh but it is the truth.

“But they are your family Jared, both of them and I don’t want to take that away from you. You are just getting to know the Padalecki’s and I know that all your friends will miss you.” Jensen is jumping for joy inside at Jared’s plan and he wants to say yes so badly but he has to think of Jared as well as himself. What Jared says is portably true that he won’t be considered a Padalecki pack member and he can’t be a Kane pack member without Jared there with him. He has already told his parents he wasn’t going to stay with them and they do understand even if they are sad or disappointed about it. But Jared is different. He could be a part or either pack, both sets of parents love him and will support him either way this goes.

“No, you are my family” Jared pulls Jensen into a tight embrace.


“No. The Padalecki’s are my family and pack by biology and I guess by right, but I own them nothing and they own me nothing as the second son. I won’t usurp Jeff just because of a little extra quark in my biology, plus I have no training or experience. The Ackles’s raised me to be who I am and the Kane pack accepted me and taught me what I am but that is the past. You are my future and important to who I will be and that is what matters. I’ll go with you into whichever pack or college you think is best for us but I would be happy with a new pack, a pack of us. More people or students can join us but it wouldn’t matter to me if they didn’t. We could travel like you had planned to last year too to find the right college or take time off before college. When you are done we can both work for hire for other packs, travel around where the work takes us. It could be kind of interesting maybe even fun depending on what we do and where we go. I’ll think of some kind of trade that will allow me to move with you.”

Jensen doesn’t argue anymore and Jared waits for him to think everything he has just said over. He nodes finally and Jared can feel his head moving. “Okay we’ll go but if it doesn’t work out we will come back to the Kane pack if they’ll have us.”

“Deal” Jared says and kisses the back of Jensen’s head.

“Oh and We’ll leave notes or video messages for our parents I don’t want to have to face them and have to see them angry or try to stop us from going.” Jensen shudders as if he can picture it happening.

“Okay I’ll get Chris and some of the gang to help, maybe Tom and Gen.” It would be easier if they had help. And Jensen nods his agreement. In the end they have Chris who loans them a van, Tom who records video messages for each set of parents and for Alpha Kane and Gen who shops for their supplies and Steve who they call so Jensen can prepare him and so he can bring anything that Jensen wants to keep from his room back at the Padalecki’s house. Jared and Jensen funnel belongings to Chris who with Gen packs up the van and keeps it hidden at Tom’s house since there is a garage in the back that only he uses anymore. They are all set for their big day just as the last of the items are packed away.


Year nineteen

For their eighteenth birthday there is a big party and members from both the Padalecki pack and the Kane pack mingle on neutral ground to celebrate. They have run of the reserve for twenty-four hours and they make the most of it setting up tents and grills. Everyone stays up until the wee hours of the morning eating, drinking, playing games, talking and even running through the reserve in whatever form takes their fancy. It’s the most relaxed Jensen has seen some of the members of the Padalecki pack. Jared and Jensen try to speak with everyone knowing that it’s the last time they will do so for a while. No one else knows this but their close group of friends, the gossips Chad, Mike and Sophia now included, who will cover for them in the morning for as long as they can. Much of the party is caught on film or on a digital camera that they will take with them. Their van is packed and parked a few miles away courtesy of Tom who will go home with Mike. When almost all the guests have gone out to run or are sleeping their friends walk them part way down the road before biding them goodbye. Then Jared and Jensen walk hand in hand away while their friends go back to the party. When dawn breaks a few hours later Jared and Jensen are long gone on their way. There is the video notes from each of them to their families and packs waiting for their parents when they wake up. Whatever answers they can’t find in the videos or get out of their friends will have to wait until they decide to call when they are settled somewhere.

When Jared and Jensen reach the van Jared wins the game of rock, paper, and scissors to have first shift behind the wheel. Jensen sleeps for a while but the rising sun glinting off the side and rearview mirrors wake him. In an attempt to wake up further he rolls down the window to let the cool air in and whisk away the remnants of sleep.

Jared looks over to the passenger seat where Jensen is slumped with his head tilted towards the open window the wind ruffling his hair. His arm is now sticking out bent at the elbow with his hand pointed forward fingers cupped so that the air current makes it bob up and down as in it’s an ever rolling wave. He smiles and Jensen sensing his happiness turns his head and gives him a lazy smile in return. They both face forward again at the open road stretching on into the far hazy distance that holds so much potential and somewhere a home of their own.

The End.

yours mine and ours, j2, chapter 4 part 2, jared/jensen, big!bang, 2017

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