Oct 28, 2007 21:28
My mom was very nice today!
She treated us kids to places & buy stuff & all. Even though she was annoyed at us in between. X3 For the 1st time in her life (or at least as I long can remember) she took her kids out to eat on her own! Surprise surprise! It’s still quiet without Dad (‘cos he’s the life of the family), but for the rarest times, she express her thoughts & feelings. Usually she doesn’t open up to us ‘cos Dad would be the one yapping away nonstop & get everyone cracking. Today she was actually expressing her opinions!
What’s the big deal you say? ANY emotion coming from MY mom is like O______o?! to me. Being one who’s exceedingly tuned to people’s emotions (sometimes too extreme for my own good -___-), my mom’s like an N-Jammer. I can’t read ANYTHING from her. Ok, not totally. But she’s the only one who doesn’t show much emotion in the family. She’s like a dormant volcano. People are attracted to it rich lands around &, but who knows when she’ll blow. By piecing up her history I kinda realize why she’s that way. No wonder she’s willing to give & sacrifice everything for us. & Now I know where I get my reserved attitude from. Me being noisy & cheery? That’s Dad’s work.
I hope she does it more. It’s really refreshing to get to know her!
My cousin is begging me on his knees to join his band. Lol, I thought he’d quit asking (he’s been pining for me for rather a long time), but he recently roped in my bro as his bassist. Now since when did my bro play bass?! I thought he’s into drums! Anyway, he told me just now that it’s just fun among us cousins, playing punk rock & stuff. Hoh, I don’t know he still counts our bonds. We barely communicate! It’s good to know him all over again though. What are we gonna be called then? The Cuzzins? XD
Got nuthin’ better ta do, played with the razor jus now & had meself cut all over me body. It was accident, I swear! My sadism level must’ve been pretty high just now. o.o’’ Maybe someone should put a placard on me that reads:
‘Warning: NEVER leave blades OR fire around this person. May inflict fatal damage.’ 83