Intro / it's been a long time coming

Apr 20, 2007 09:12

So I'm back, and there's a plan (there's gotta be a plan, right?).

I've always attempted to maintain my own interest in this journal (let alone your interest in it) by doing something a bit more than making entry after entry in the same fashion, so this is the latest attempt. It allows me different writing styles, it allows me the opportunity to try things out and hopefully provide me with content for

And it allows Leigh to accuse me of being pretentious. *^_~*

As you might have guessed the idea is a magazine type format. There will be the life updates, the 'i went to a party and saw Ann, Bob, Cat, Dillon, Ed and Fiona, it was fun, we danced and then fell over' type entries, but (hopefully) there will be column style entries ('Xero on... life/ fishing/ sausages/ 19th century bread recipes'), I might even try reviews (they're a way for a writer to make a little money on the side so I should at least see if I can write that sort of thing). This is probably all a little ambitious for someone who hasn't LJed in a long time, but we'll see.

I should have new user info up soon too and on top of all that there will hopefully be 'exclusive' friends only content, mostly creative work that I would like people to read (and feedback on if they like) but material that I don't want widely released to the unwashed internet masses.

I might even manage to read everyone else's LJs...

Volume 4 because, well, this may not be entirely accurate, but I think there have been three significant incarnations of angelxero before this. (there might have been four, actually, but volume 4 will do.)

Issue 0, in the world of comics, tends to be either an origin issue or an introductory promo issue, or similar. So that's what this is. A catch up, a promo issue. Here's what's been happ'nin' in the quiet times, when my voice has been heard and not seen. And, in theory, May will see Issue 1, Angelxero proper. In theory. =D

Hi. Hope you're all well.


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