Unsurprisingly I scored as agnostic in that religious test btw... cos there might be a higher power, it might be what we conceptually understand as a god, or it might be interfering aliens, or it might be uncaring aliens, or whatever, there just ain't any real way of knowing right now. And I'm certainly not one for blind faith.
My brother made an interesting distinction the other day (although it occurs to me that he did mention he occasionally reads this too, but hey). I think we were talking about computer games, and the level of violence/ swearing/ general adult themes some have nowadays, and he spoke out against it but said (and this is far from an exact quote, just the gist of it) his argument wasn't just coming from a religious point of view, but from a personal moral stance. Showing, I think, that he understands there is a certain amount of blind belief in religious arguments, but that he could arrive at the same conclusions through internal reasoning. Which I can respect even if ultimately I disagreed with him. (we didn't really follow that conversation through).
Monday morning sucked massively. Like you wouldn't believe. I woke up at something like 6 in the morning thinking I was just gonna head straight back to la-la land for that extra couple of hours. But no. This was not to be. It wasn't long before I was curled up, my head cradled in my hands, whimpering (hey, I'm not so manly I can't admit to whimpering =p besides... I can take pain, but this was something else, like barbed wire strung across my frontal lobes, which felt like they were trying to force themselves out of the front of my skull...
mmm... pain killers. Except I'm gonna assume that's what made me throw up about an hour later... TMI? Don't care, I had to suffer... =p And there wasn't even any reason, I can't call it a hangover or anything, I didn't do anything alcoholic or even late on Sunday...
Well, by 12 (6 hours in...) it was just about in normal headache territory, settling down to reminder twinges for the rest of the afternoon, fingers of echo kneading my grey matter in just the wrong way.
So that was fun. But I did spend the end of the afternoon sorting out my photos from the gig. Yes, the gig back in May. I am that organised... ;)
Infekted Technologies at the FerryboatThere aren't too many, but let me know what yu think... =)