I think my entire f-list also has
absolutefiction friended so I will just request everyone to click on all the other links - breast cancer, child health, literacy, rainforest.... and
PLEASE DO CLICK EVERYDAY!!! The Literacy site led me to this interesting site:
What Book Got You Hooked? but unfortunately, it looks like it's for US residents only. Go vote for your state! =D
Oh, and I'd be interested to know what your answers are. =D For me, of course, I read a lot of inspiring Bible stories as a child. I loved reading about Jesus's speaking to the teachers and scribes at the temple at a very young age, the love story between Ruth and Boaz, and Esther being chosen as queen and saving the entire Jewish people from annhilation. What's yours?
If you can't remember the answer for some reason then how about -- What's your all-time favorite book/author? What was the most memorable gift book you received? What's your fave genre, writing style... do you prefer paperback or hardbound, ebook or real book? any particular quirks you might have while reading a book....? What's the most expensive book you own?