Fic: The Darkness Within [justprompts]

Nov 19, 2009 23:35

Author's notes: Nebulous future-fic.

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." --Terry Pratchett
He could never get away from evil. No matter how many demons he killed, vampires he slayed, or apocalypses he fought, evil would always be there.
He had known that for years, been shown that realization by Holland Manners vividly. He tried not to think about it, tried not to let it weigh on him, or it would drag him down and pull him under.

But now, he knew undeniably, unequivocably, it was true. He could see it in the face staring blankly back at him. The face of a killer. He'd never thought to see him again, thought this particular face would be lost to him forever, but now, that didn't seem to be the case. There he was, looking the same as the last time Angel had seen him, so many, many years ago. The face of evil, of everything Angel fought to protect against.

The demon was still inside him. Trapped still, but cackling madly at the twist the bitch Fate had given his warden.

With a sudden vicious snarl of impotent rage, Angel pulled back his fist, and smashed the mirror.

comm: justprompts, 3rd-person pov, from prompt, fic

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