Friend a Muse introduction

Nov 14, 2009 08:35

Muse Name: Angel
Muse LJ: angelusliam
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

Age & Location: roughly 250; here and there
Occupation: self-employed at the moment
Relationship status: single
Family: Deceased
Interests/Hobbies: Art/drawing. Reading. Brooding in the dark
Favourite food: ...I'm a vampire. I don't eat food.
Favourite movie: I'm not a big movie person. I like the classics. I'm a fan of Charlton Heston.
Favourite accomplishment: I don't think I could answer that.
Describe yourself in one paragraph: I'm a vampire with a soul--one of two, at this point. I've been described as "intense," "broody," "dangerous," etc. I suppose I'm all those things. I don't know how to describe myself. Not in one paragraph, anyway. If you want to know something, ask me.

Any OOC notes: Angel is from post-series, canon-wise. I haven't read any of the comics, but otherwise, all canon is fair game (aka can interact w/ anyone from anywhere in canon). I love to role-play, seriously, so drop us a line. Angel's lonely, even if he'd never admit it. ;) Crossovers are welcome and encouraged, also.

- Reply to me HERE @ my LiveJournal


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