Well...i'm back, might as well keep goin'...

Aug 24, 2005 11:14

some updates:

1) I went apartment shoppin' Monday...and every bloody apartment complex i went to said they wouldn't have anything available 'till October...curses on th'fact that i work in a damn college town!!! *cries* I'm startin' t'think about callin' up a couple of th'folks in th'paper lookin' for a roomate...i gotta do SOMETHING...'specially if m'mom goes through with this plan she's got...y'see, m'mom's been talkin' to this guy that i'm gonna call "DJ"...and he's raised some very valid points in the "get outta chip's place" campaign..turns out that mom could find a 3-bedroom brick house for th'price it'd take her to find a 2 bedroom apartment in th'Wilmington area...so in other words, mom's takin' th'guy up on it and goin' to rockingham....what does that mean for our hero? I'm off th'hook....so i gotsta find m'own place...hence why i was apartment shoppin'....and now that i went around m'elbow t'get to m'asshole, here's some other updates.

2) M'car's still under th'roof of Elton's guy's garage (named Steve....what is it about guys with that name and me gettn' screwed?)...but since i told him (Elton) th'cliff's notes' version of my current goings on (m'mom's thinkin' of relocatin' but can't leave 'till i'm mobile again) he's gettin' on his guy's ass t'get m'car fixed...

3) I do think that mom's doin' somethin' a lil' under the "right route t'take" radar in regards to the whole relocating thing...y'see, she's havin' t'keep this all outta chip's ear cuz of th'obvious repricussions that could come out of it...but in doin' so, she's keepin' it from somebody else to..


She's asked us both how we'd feel about her wantin' to relocate, and bird was very adamant about she was "not moving"...and that bein' said, mom's hesitant about lettin' her know "Um...yes you are"...but considerin' school starts up tomorrow, and mom wanted t'get th'ball rollin' so that she didn't have to enroll bird in school, then pull her out again...but like i said, things are s'posed t'start tomorrow...if she's waitin' for th'right moment, now'd be th'time...

4) I had a really good night at Charlie Brownz monday night....for those that don't know CB is a bar that does Karaoke on Monday Nights...and a large number of folks from LP like t'go there...so i tend to give up my monday night wrestlin' (well, of course i do tape it...let's not be stupid)...and go there often..well, this past Monday was Elton's birthday so th'place was packed...i'm talkin' so many damn people y'couldnt get around packed...and o'course i ate that up...it's weird..it's like the more people that're there, th'easier of a time i have with gettin' up on stage....odd huh? Newayz, i met a girl that i'm gonna call "Lil' Miss"...not the only reason for which bein' th'fact that she's only 4'11...she got up and did an old-rock song (can't remember which) and got a kick outta th'fact that i was up on th'dancefloor headbangin' to her song...later we talked and even danced a lil' (this girl has absolutely NO rhythm whatsoever...*sigh*)...by th'end of th'night she informed me she's actually older than me (she's 28), and also gave me her number and told me to call her...i did last night, and we chatted for about 2 and a half hours...damn that girl can talk...she gets in story mode and just goes, and goes, and goes....hey...that sounds familiar...she's also really into astrology and zodiac and such...she read me some stuff about taurus's (which i am) and Gemeni's (her) behaviors...it was kinda cool..

newayz...i don't know how much longer i'll be able t'update this thing..cuz once i move outta chip's, i won't have access to a computer (that i know of)...that's part of th'reason i stayed outta th'loop for so long...i didn't wanna get started and stop again...but i'm here..might as well make th'most of it...

-Just a lil' trip inside my head...hope you enjoyed the ride...
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