i didnt know i was going to write....
here i am...tap...tap...tap....type.
i want to see the new Will Ferrel moving so so so bad.
its called "stranger than fiction"...here i'll be awesome and do a link
♥ click the heart.
i hope that worked.
it doesn't come though till Nov 10th.
i feel myself growing up.
i like it, yes.
i do not like it, yes.
remember when people would say "enjoy your childhood, it goes by so fast?"
well, here I am an adult.
my childhood days are no longer here.
my peers are married.
my peers have children.
my peers have careers.
some of my friends, have these as well.
i love a lot of parts of my life.
i'm also really unsure about a lot of other parts of my life.
and i know i'm not ready to be 100% sure.
its just frusterating, wanting answers knowing fully well you cant get the answer because it simply isnt time for the answer to be...well answered.
i'm going in circles.
i'm waiting for the Jimmy Eat World "the middle" song not to apply to me anymore.
i just want to feel more secure.
i want to know, i'm not doomed.
as crazy as that sounds.
i just want to know, i will survive growing up and come out of this as a stable, adjusted, caring and loving person just living my life doing the things i enjoy and sharing my life with really wonderful people all the while knowing, i did it. I grew up.
whats the next stage after growing up?
im afraid to ask.
who knows.
this stage probably doesnt ever end.
considering, we are always growing.
i just want the day to come, where I am comfortable with myself.
thats the time...i'm waiting for.
thats my next part in growing up.
i'm not in the beginning of it.
and i'm not nearly at the end.
yet again.
i'm in the middle.
"everything, everything it'll be just fine
everything, everything it'll be alright
It just takes some time
little girl you're in the middle of the