Nov 02, 2005 20:37
wat a life im having right now. ever sit and dream that life would just stand still for that one moment. the moment when ur happiest. yea well if u know ne thing.......u know that WILL never happen to u. But thats me right now. I want life to pause on the good notes. but it wont so im stuck sitting here WISHING that it would. well wishing a lot actually.
Hanging out with Daryl lately. he jsut got in my 3rd period. hes sooo cool lol. shh dont tell ne one i said that lol. but ya we talk bout the past and future and present hes just so down to earth. we talk mostly bout our "relationships" lol/ its nice to talk to someone like him bout that stuff.
economices is going GREAT. i have like a HIGH B or A in that class how great is that. its exciting
im turning 18 in about a month and 3 days. its crazy then im graduating high school. lifes going too fast everyone expects u to know exactly where ur going in life wat u wanna be. and I have ideas but no concreat stuff. but im over the worrying. DBCC is the first step the rest will have to follow suite ya know.
me and jay are doing great. we are spending every saturday night together. last week we went to Daytona and went to a movie and out to eat. it was windy out lol but it was really nice. the mall sucked as usual. but he went cuz i asked lol. this weekend i dont know wat we are doing but i know we WILL do something. prob another movie lol. gotta see wats playing. or go play mini golf lol. funn there heheh
talked to gary and kyle today ALOT got a lot to say on that but no time. kyle hurt me and we kinda fought but he Beeped me eaerlier and said sry so i guess we are ok. still hurts but hes my best friend so i can forgive him. he knows that. and gary is a great guy hes really nice and funny lol.