Runaways ~ NC17 ~ Liam/Spike (William) ~ AU Human ~ Epilogue

Apr 18, 2006 19:47

Well, this is it folks. The grand finale of Runaways. I'd like to thank everyone who read this story and enjoyed it. Also, thank you for all your wonderful feedback. We are a bit sad to see this story come to an end, but excited at the same time to start our new story. Hope you enjoy and like what we did here. We felt we needed this to end the story properly. Hope you agree. We love these characters whether we show them off in all their vamp glory or as humans in an entirely different setting and circumstances. We hope it shows in how we showcase them in our stories.


Title: Runaways
Authors: angelspike69 and anamcara420
Pairing: Liam/Spike (William)
Rating: Adult. This story contains M/M sex. If that isn’t your cup of tea then go away now and don’t read any farther.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, Angel and Spike don’t belong to us. If they did, they’d be following up all their fighting and snarking with each other with lots of manly shagging.
Spoilers: No spoilers at all as this is a story that takes place in an alternate universe where our boys are totally human and have never been vampires. We’re not even sure if they believe in them.
Feedback: AngelSpike69 and Anamcara420
Notes: Would like to extend our sincere thanks to makd for her beta of our story. Our stories wouldn't be what they are without your invaluable help and suggestions. You are the best sweetie!!!!! Previous chapters can be found in my memories here or in our archive here.
Summary: Two damaged young men meet by chance in the woods in Vermont. Through conflict and kindness and the special magic of Christmas, they stop running from their pasts and help each other to heal.


Epilogue - Six Years Later

Liam scanned the people sitting in chairs on the grass. He smiled as he remembered this morning. Spike showed him the stick figure cat he had painted in white on the top of his black mortar board.

“So you can find me in the middle of that crowd,” he said grinning.

They both had looked at the cat and sadness stabbed at them. Bella had died just after Christmas, Mac in April, and the cabin was empty without them. They kept expecting to see Bella curled on the table next to Spike as he worked on his drawings, or to see Mac in front of the stove in the barn as Liam crafted his furniture. Neither of them were ready to adopt another pet.

Liam shielded his eyes and gazed into the sea of black caps and gowns and found Spike. The white cat gleamed as a beacon. Graduation! Spike was receiving his MFA today!

As Liam sat waiting for Spike to walk on stage to receive his degree, he recalled their lives over the past six years.

Carrying a half frozen Spike back to his cabin after finding him in the woods. The hours he sat by his bedside as he struggled to get his breath during his bout of pneumonia. The emotional battles between them. Spike running away; afraid of criminal charges.

His eyes blurred as he recalled their first Christmas together. Spike decorating the house with evergreens and a tiny Christmas tree. Hurt at Liam’s lack of enthusiasm until he had confessed that since David had died, he had not celebrated the holidays. Although Spike seemed to accept his explanation, Liam learned later just how much the specter of his past lover haunted him. Their first New Year’s Eve and their sensual dance together in the cabin. The first time they made slow, passionate love. He smiled as he thought of Spike trying to hurry things up; he had not experienced any tenderness during his life on the streets. He felt his body stiffen and he stopped his internal journey to look out on the field.

Dignitaries were still speaking and receiving their accolades and he lapsed back into his reverie. Their life together had been volatile at times; amazingly wonderful other times.

Spike’s fear and embarrassment when he saw Liam’s expensive home. He still shivered at the memory of his panic when he discovered Spike comatose after he had taken some medication Doc Clayton had prescribed for him. Spike’s excitement in New York; his first Broadway show; the Poe house. Suddenly he grimaced when his mind focused on other images. Their therapy sessions where their lives and fears were painfully exposed. He had allowed the ghost of David to come between them and Spike’s insecurities about his wretched past haunted him.

Liam blinked back tears as he recalled the scene where they had almost lost each other after their first joint therapy session. They had screamed horrific things at each other and Spike jumped out of the truck. As Liam stormed after him, he realized how much he loved Spike; how lonely his life would be without him. Finally he told Spike the depth of his love for him.

Occasionally, over the years, they had continued their individual and joint therapy sessions. Both of them had to recognize that events in their lives had left wounds that needed to be understood and healed in order to insure that their relationship would remain strong.

Spike had studied with Ann, determined to get his GED and he did! Spike’s acceptance into the University of Vermont. He had to choke to hold back his laughter as he recalled teaching Spike how to drive. Finally, before they killed each other, John had taken over. He had bought him a little car and Spike drove back and forth three times a week until he finished his undergraduate studies in Art. Mrs. Jenkins had encouraged Spike to apply to graduate school and he was accepted! The problem was that the closest college with an MFA program was the State University of New York in Albany! Driving three hours back and forth several times each week for classes, especially at night would be taxing and possibly dangerous, so Mrs. Jenkins and he had convinced Spike to live in campus housing for grad students. They emailed and phoned each other constantly. The cabin was empty and quiet without Spike. Liam drove to Albany a few weekends that first year, and they explored the city, but most times Spike wanted to come home to North Hero.

Liam recalled the argument, the first they had in a long time, when he suggested that Spike might want to stay on campus more often to hang out with his new friends.

“Spike, I know around Homecoming there are many festivities on Campus. You should stay. Go to the parties, the football game.”

“What’cha got goin’ on, Liam. Why d’ya want me to stay away?” Spike had answered angrily.

“Nothing! What, you think…you’re being stupid!”

“Stupid!” Spike yelled.

“Yes. You. Are. Being. Stupid! I just want you to experience everything about staying at school. I did sometimes and I have great memories.”

“You startin’ that ‘I’m so much older than you’ stuff again?” Spike demanded. Liam could see his pinched, white face, angrily blotched with red. He had walked to Spike and enfolded him tightly. Even though Spike had fought for release, he had held on, whispering softly into his hair. “Spike, I miss you horribly when you’re gone…I just want you to…to be on your own…do college stuff…have a chance to…”

“To what, fall in love with someone else?”

Liam had released him then and they stared for a long moment at each other. Spike touched his face. “Liam, never gonna happen. You’re stuck with me.” They smiled at each other and spent hours in bed making love.

Liam checked to see the progress of the ceremonies and then retreated back into his thoughts. After his first Christmas at SUNY, Spike had stayed at the university on several weekends and was very mysterious about the reason. Finally, when he next came home, he brought a finished comic book as a gift for Liam. After Spike drove back to school, he called one of men who commissioned some of his furniture. The man’s brother was in publishing and Liam wanted him to look at Spike’s drawings. During spring break, he and Spike had driven into New York, ostensibly to do more sightseeing. In reality, Spike received a publishing contract! He had two graphic novels already published and was working on his third! Because of their content, schools and social service agencies were ordering them in large numbers.

Liam focused again on the speaker on the dais. It was yet another famous alumnus getting an award. He glanced again at the white cat on Spike’s light brown head and his arousal bloomed. He hurried to cover his lap with his open program as he remembered this morning. He had rented a suite in one of the hotels in the city and he and Spike had been staying there together as they went to the various functions the few days before graduation.

This morning he had awakened and lay quietly next to Spike, happy beyond anything he had ever expected. He leaned up on his elbow and watched his lover sleep. The pale rose skin, those perfect cheekbones, the errant curl on his forehead. He began to kiss Spike awake - his face, his eyes, his lips. When Spike opened his eyes he found a grinning Liam hovering above him. Liam kissed him again but removed Spike’s arms that he had immediately lifted around his neck. He held Spike’s hands above his head and continued his erotic ministrations. He licked the shell of Spike’s ear and kissed down his neck. He licked his chest and nipped at each of his nipples. He released Spike’s hands and kissed each palm, placing them gently on the bed. He leaned down and kissed down each inner thigh. Spike was panting and writhing silently, enjoying the gentle agony that Liam was inflicting on him.

Finally Liam swallowed him and sucked all of Spike’s release. He did not stop despite his own painful need. He massaged Spike’s sack and fingered his quivering hole as he waited for his cock to harden again. It did and he quickly covered it with the condom and coated it with lube. Spike’s eyes widened. They had reversed their positions infrequently, since Spike preferred to ride Liam or have the larger man enter him. Liam kissed his lover and their tongues swirled together in a sensual dance. He smiled and then lay down. Spike crawled on top of Liam and proceeded to return the tender torment with his lips and tongue. Liam had to grasp the base of his cock so he wouldn’t release. Spike grinned and pressed his hard cock at Liam’s entrance and pushed. Liam arched his hips up and drew Spike in deeper. Spike’s gentle hand grabbed Liam’s cock and matched his inward thrusts. They came together and held each other for a long time until they drifted back sleep.

All too soon the wake-up call jarred them and they reluctantly got out of bed. They showered together and did other things until the water ran cold. Liam left Spike in the bathroom, trying to tame his curls. When Spike came out, Liam was completely dressed. However, when he saw Spike’s pout, he was seriously tempted to tear off his clothes.

“I have a present for you, but I won’t give it to you until you get dressed or we’ll be late for your graduation.” Liam said grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

Spike pretended to be annoyed and stomped over to the closet. He mumbled incoherently as he dressed. Liam said nothing. He stood in silence and watched as Spike covered up the ass that constantly filled his mind with erotic thoughts.

Finally Spike finished and turned around. Liam was staring at him, his hands behind his back.

“Okay, ‘m dressed. Where’s the present?” He demanded trying to play the role of spoiled annoying child but failing when his eyes twinkled and his smirk fell into a sweet smile.

Liam walked to him and grasped his hand turning the palm up. He dropped a silver ring into the center.

“This was my grandfather’s. It belonged to his father and he brought it with him from Ireland. It’s a band of interwoven Celtic knots, which have no beginning and have no end. It symbolizes eternal love.” Liam said quietly. “I’ve had our initials engraved inside.”

Spike couldn’t speak for a few minutes. He couldn’t put the ring on. He just stared at it. Finally Liam took the ring and put it on the third finger of his left hand. When he looked up, he saw tears flooding Spike’s cheeks. He clutched the smaller man to him and they stood unspeaking, holding onto each other for a little while.

Liam drew back, his brow furrowed. He was concerned that Spike found the gift…too much…too…confining. Spike kept looking at the ring through his tears. Finally, he raised his head.

“I…this…this…I can’t… this means…” He couldn’t say anymore. He clasped his arms around Liam’s neck and kissed him deeply. He then leaned his head against Liam’s chest and whispered. “Thank you for loving me this much, Liam. Loving you…has made my life even more than a fairytale with an impossibly happy ending.”


Spike sat in the hard folding chair and doodled on the small drawing pad he carried with him everywhere. He knew he would never be able to see Liam in the midst of all those other proud family members in the stands. He grinned. Liam would be able to find him with the white cat on his head. He stopped sketching and began to remember the past six years since Liam had found him in the snow. He had been cold and terrified when he opened his eyes until he saw Liam’s worried face. He cried secretly almost every day overwhelmed by Liam’s kindness and concern. Outwardly, he snarked and channeled his bad boy street persona, daring the man to order him to leave; fearful that he would.

Spike snorted. If it had been him, he would have thrown himself back out in the snow.

His pneumonia. Liam at his bedside, holding his hand, reading to him. Thanksgiving at John and Amy’s. Mrs. Jenkins sharing her love of literature with him. Doc Clayton. All of these people welcomed him into their lives and asked no questions. He had been afraid that the sheriff would find out…Liam…Liam had gotten everything settled. He was no longer a fugitive. Their first Christmas…the gifts that Liam had given him. New Year’s Eve…their dance and making love. Their fights…running away…the ghost of David everywhere in the cabin. Learning just how rich Liam was…disgusted by his own sordid past…Liam’s tears when he thought Spike had overdosed. He had never felt such…love. New York…the Poe house…the trip to Philadelphia so he could see another city where the author had lived…playing tourist…the Liberty Bell…those bronze statues of all of the signers of the Declaration of Independence at the Constitution Center…Ben Franklin’s house…the secret rooms that were part of the Underground Railroad. The city was full of American history. He passed the History test when he returned and he was convinced that the visit to the city had contributed to his success.

He grinned. Liam said it was the ghost of Poe helping him out. He had mocked him and said that the Irish tend to believe in leprechauns, fairies and ghosts. Liam had chased him into the bedroom, where they spent hours making love. And then almost drove him mad singing a stupid song about making love in the afternoon with William. The look on Liam’s face the day that he finally told him that his name was William.

He glanced up and saw that the trustees or whoever they were still jabbering on. He turned his head to try to find Liam, but knew it was stupid. He sighed and relaxed into his thoughts although his hands clenched when he remembered their beginning therapy sessions.

His initial visit was traumatic but after their first joint session they had almost lost each other. He had tried to tell Liam that he was idealizing David and how much it bothered him. Liam had lashed out and then he had lashed back and in his usual pattern, tried to run away. Even years later, his stomach fluttered when he thought about it; about how much he would have lost. If Liam had let him go…but he didn’t. Liam had told him…told him he was sorry and that he loved him and wanted him…always. They had gone to therapy together and separately over the years. Both of them struggled to accept that their past lives could influence their relationship. The sessions were often painful but by understanding their experiences, their love was strengthened.

Spike smiled to himself as he remembered the letter from the publishing company. He had reread it so many times, it was almost disintegrating. Liam finally took it and put it in a frame on the dresser. Liam had sent his first, really, really, good graphic novel to New York and they bought it and wanted more! He was making a lot of money! Him! Never have as much as Liam, but…he could take Liam somewhere…somewhere he hadn’t gone with David.

Suddenly his eyes filled with tears. They woke one morning and Bella was in her usual place at the foot of the bed…but she was not warm and purring. She was the first pet he ever had. He was heartbroken and lay next to her for hours crying, petting her cold body. He insisted that they keep her ashes and Liam had made a beautiful small wooden chest with her name carved into the top. She sat on his drawing table at home…just as she always did…Just after Easter, Mac died. They had been out walking in the woods and he stumbled and fell. They carried him back to the house. He drove to the vet and Liam sat holding him, crying and begging him to be okay. He wasn’t. He died in Liam’s arms. The vet said it was his heart. Labs didn’t live a long life and they thought Mac was seven or eight years old. Liam had found him limping on the side of the road soon after he moved to North Hero. Mac’s ashes were in a wooden chest in Liam’s workshop. The dog spent most of his time there when Liam was working.

Spike blinked away his tears. His thoughts became more...interesting and he trembled slightly and quickly covered his lap with his program. He was thinking about this morning. Liam waking him up with tender kisses on every inch of his body…his eyes…his thighs…driving him mad as always with his agonizingly slow torment until he thought he would die from the ecstasy…Liam swallowing him…Liam wanting him to…to be in control…giving him the ring…the ring that had been his grandfather’s…the ring that had come from Ireland…the knots that meant eternal love! In his wildest dreams, he had never expected his life to be like this…so perfect it was scary…stop it you sodding ponce…he’s never goin’ to leave you…you’ll be together…always.

Spike willed down his arousal. Just in time. They were beginning to call the graduate students.

“William Radcliffe, Masters of Fine Arts…


They met at the truck and immediately began the drive back to North Hero. The truck was packed with his remaining clothes and boxes that he had not been able to fit in his little car when he drove home earlier in the week. Although Liam said they could stay another night in Albany, Spike was anxious to get back to the cabin. When they finally arrived, they unloaded the truck, had a quick dinner and collapsed into bed. They had been out very late at a party the night before graduation.

The next morning, Spike unpacked his boxes and puttered around the cabin. Liam had to work for a few hours in the barn. In the afternoon, they took a long walk on the beach and sailed in the small sailboat Liam had gotten in a trade from one of their neighbors. They fell asleep together in their huge bed after spending several hours worshiping each other’s bodies. They woke up, showered and dressed and drove to the hotel for Spike’s graduation bash.

The parking lot was full when they arrived. An enormous banner stretched across the front porch: CONGRATULATIONS SPIKE, MFA!!! Spike glared at Liam although his eyes were shining.

“I didn’t do it, honest.”

Everyone was already in the dinning room. As soon as Liam and Spike entered, the room burst into applause. Spike grinned and blushed and stammered his thanks as all of their friends came over to shake his hand or give him hugs and kisses. Spike scanned the room and saw the women he was searching for. He strode across the floor to their table.

He pulled Mrs. Jenkins to her feet, hugged her tightly and whispered into her hair. “This is all your doin’ Mrs. Jenkins. Never would’ve tried anything without your encouragement.”

The elderly woman looked up at him, her eyes blurred with tears. “I’m so proud of you, William. But you did this on your own. You had the determination.”

He released Mrs. Jenkins and went to kneel by Ann’s wheelchair. He put his arms around her and grinned. “Well, 'Teach', thanks to you, I made it!”

She too, had tears in her eyes. “Like Mrs. Jenkins said, Spike, you had to want this. I’m so glad to be a part of this wonderful occasion.”

Spike turned to Amy, whose arms were filled with a little girl. She and John had adopted a child from China. Two year old Jenna adored Spike and she reached for him, demanding his attention. He took the little girl from her mother and swirled her around as she giggled and squealed. She clung to him as he made his way around the room thanking everyone for coming.

Liam stood near Mrs. Jenkins, smiling and watching Spike. The elderly woman squeezed his arm. “Who would have thought all those years ago, that we would be celebrating like this? You've given him so much, Liam. You are a very special man.”

Liam looked down at her and smiled. “I am the lucky one, Mrs. Jenkins. He filled my life. He's given me far more than I've given him.”

Spike gave Jenna back to her mother, much to her dismay. He led Jess slowly over to Liam and Mrs. Jenkins. Jess finished her degree and she was teaching English at the high school. She married and was expecting her first child in August. Her husband was a young doctor working with Doc Clayton, who was grooming him to take over his practice.

The maitre'd asked they to be seated and dinner was served. Spike ate very little; he was too excited. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined all of these people celebrating with him. He thought, not for the first time, how lucky he was to have found this island and these people, who welcomed him and made him one of their own. He belonged. He was part of North Hero. He reached for Liam’s hand and the two men stared into each other’s tear-filled eyes.

“I love you, Liam. You…I owe all of this to you.” Spike said quietly.

“You have given me more than I’ve given you, Spike. I love you.” Liam replied softly as he dropped a soft kiss on Spike’s lips in full view of everyone. It was their first kiss in front of their friends.

Dinner was cleared and a huge chocolate cake was wheeled into the room. Everyone laughed and applauded. Spike’s chocolate obsession was widely known. He looked at Liam. “Should I…”

“It’s up to you.”

Spike stood up nervously; his lovely face flushed with embarrassment. “Thank you…all of you…I’ve…I was…lost and…a stranger when I…when I came to North Hero…you…you’ve given me a home.” He sat down quickly as the room erupted into thunderous applause.

Liam reached under the table and squeezed his hand. He leaned close to him and whispered, his voice full of emotion. “That was perfect, Will. You’ve made everyone very happy. I love you so much, Will.” He lifted Spike’s hand from his lap and kissed his palm. “You are my home.”

The band began to play as everyone ate slices of Spike’s chocolate cake and soon several couples were dancing. Spike and Liam looked at each other and stood up. They walked out onto the floor and danced together in public for the fist time.

Spike danced with Mrs. Jenkins, Jess and Amy and several times twirled Jenna around the floor. Many other young women asked him to dance. Liam smiled and watched Spike glide around the room. He remembered their first New Year’s Eve when almost all of the young women hovered around Spike, begging to be his partner. He had been aroused and jealous and had to leave the room all those years ago. But he…he danced with him at home. Now they danced together, comfortable in sharing their devotion to each other in front of all of their friends. Will was his forever partner.

Hours later, they said good-night to all of their friends and Liam drove to the cabin happily exhausted. Spike leaned against him, a little drunk with champagne. He looked up at the sky when he got out of the truck. Thousands of stars pricked the darkness and the moon glow glimmered over their cabin. He turned to Liam and captured his mouth in a deep kiss. The two men staggered onto the porch and into the cabin. They discarded clothes and began to kiss and touch each other. Spike pulled Liam over to the sofa, pushing him to kneel and lean over the back. He kissed up his legs and his ass. He knelt behind him and pressed his hardened cock into the crease as he kissed and nipped the larger man’s shoulders and neck. Liam trembled. “Will.”

Spike laughed and stood up. Liam turned around, stood and lifted Spike up. The smaller man wrapped his legs around his waist. Liam walked them into the bathroom. They got under the water and continued their passionate dance. Liam knelt before Spike kissed his thighs and swiftly swallowed him. Spike released immediately much to his chagrin.

Liam stood up and smiled at him. “We have all night, Will.”

They massaged each other with soap and stood for long minutes under the water rinsing and kissing deeply, their tongues tangling. Spike turned off the water and they wrapped themselves in large towels and hand and hand walked into their bedroom. Towels were tossed away and Liam began his slow, torturous adoration of Spike’s slender body. All too soon, Spike hardened. He stopped Liam and rolled them over. He began his sensual torment of Liam’s powerful body. Both of them were trembling with need. Spike opened the condom and slipped it over Liam’s large cock. He coated it with lube and quickly impaled himself. Liam gasped and shuddered. Spike rode his lover as Liam stroked his stiffened cock. They came together in a powerful spasm and collapsed in each other’s arms.

Spike caressed Liam’s cheek and stared into the deep brown eyes. “Liam, I love you more…more than I thought possible. I’ll love you forever.”

Liam covered them with a sheet and tightened his arms around the smaller man. He kissed his brow. “Will, you are my love…my dearest love for always.”

The moon’s light slipped through the skylight and bathed their bodies in its glow as they fell asleep.


Liam, as always, awakened first and lay watching the man who had so enriched his life as he slept. He slipped carefully out of bed and showered and dressed. He began to make breakfast, knowing that the smell of bacon would tickle Spike awake. Sure enough, just as the eggs were ready, the slender man stumbled groggily from the bedroom, naked.

“Hey, you left me alone.” Spike said pouting, knowing that Liam could not resist his curled lip.

Liam grinned. “Pouting won’t work this morning. I have things to show you. Breakfast is ready.”

Spike grumbled and glared at Liam playfully. He returned to the bedroom, donned shorts and stomped to the table. “What’s so important that you get me up at the crack of dawn?” He asked sulkily.

Liam laughed. “It’s ten o’clock, Spike.”

“Yeah, but you kept me up real late, Liam. Doin’ stuff to my body; not lettin’ me get my sleep.”

“I remember you were doin’ a few things to me.”

The two men grinned at each other.

“Get a shower and get dressed, Spike. I’ve got something to show you in the barn.”

“Hey, bit bossy this mornin’ Liam. I’ve got my MFA now, just like you.” Spike snarked, but his twinkling blue eyes belied his annoyance.

Spike walked to Liam and gave him a kiss while his hand grabbed the bulge in the larger man’s trousers. Liam groaned and Spike laughed. He turned and strolled into the bathroom, tauntingly wiggling his ass as he walked. Liam closed his eyes and bit his lip, determined to resist the almost overwhelming desire to follow Spike.

When Spike came out dressed, Liam was nowhere around. A large note stood propped in the middle of the table. COME TO THE BARN.

“Ponce!” Spike laughed and went outside.

Liam turned when he heard the door open. He stood in front of a long table covered with open scrolls of paper.

“What’s this then?” Spike asked as he walked over.

“This is your new office.” Liam answered with a sweet smile.

Spike’s eyes widened. “My office?”

“Yes, come look.”

Liam showed Spike his sketches and explained the blueprints. The room had cabinets on one wall, a large flat table and two drawing tables. The ceiling had skylights and one wall was glass. “You need your own space.”

Spike laughed. “Oh, yeah. Too messy for you, ain’t I?”

“Well…that’s not the only reason.” Liam said, his face flushing a pale pink. “We each need our own space. The cabin can get really cramped. And you need light to draw.”

“What’s this part?” Spike asked.

Liam didn’t look at Spike. He pointed to the plans. “This is the greenhouse room. It’s all glass. It’ll be warm even in the winter. You hate the cold. Thought it would remind you of Los Angeles. There’s a lap pool.”

Spike was quiet for a moment and then walked close to Liam. He put his arm around the larger man’s waist and rested his head on his shoulder. “The office is perfect. I love it.”

He moved to stand in front of Liam and made the larger man look at him. “Don’t need to be reminded of Los Angeles. This is where I want to be. Bugger the cold. I think of you and how you make me feel when you touch me and I’m warm…hot all over.” He pulled Liam’s head down and kissed him tenderly. “I like the glass room. It’ll be fun to be all warm and watch the snow fallin’ all around. Lap pool, huh? No swimsuits required, yeah?” He said grinning up at Liam.

Liam returned the smile, relieved. He wasn’t certain how Spike would react. He didn’t want him to think he wanted him out of his way.

“Where’s the room goin’?”

“Off the kitchen. It’ll stretch almost to the barn.” Liam answered.

Spike squeezed Liam. “Oh, good. When I want ya, I’ll just get out of the pool and stand naked; send you mental messages. You know you can’t stay away from my dick for long.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Liam laughed and hugged him. He slipped his tongue into Spike’s mouth and they stood kissing for several minutes.

When they broke apart for breath, Liam spoke again. “I have something else to show you. Let’s go back to the cabin.”

When they got inside, Liam walked to the desk and withdrew a large envelope which he handed to Spike.

Spike opened the package. Inside was a trip itinerary and plane tickets. When he looked up at Liam, his face was shocked. “Italy? Greece?”

“Yes. There are catacombs in Rome. I thought you might like to see them - kind of like that Poe story you like so much - The Cask of Amontillado - where Montressor walls up Fortunato. I’d like to show you Florence. Some of my grandmother’s family still lives there. I know you like the Greek myths. You’ve been reading them to me for years. We can visit the Parthenon. See where the first Olympics were played. Theatre of Dionysus…”

Spike captured Liam’s mouth in a passionate kiss, stopping his speech. He took a breath and stared into Liam’s dark eyes. “God, Liam. This is too much. The ring, the new room, and now this trip. Livin’ with you is a sodding fairytale; a life with only happy endings! I love everything, Liam. But, it’s you I love. It’s you I want. Don’t need anything else.”

Liam smirked. “So, you don’t want to go?”

“Of course I bloody well want to go. You just better hope I don’t lock us in one of those catacombs and fuck you silly!”

They grinned at each other. Spike put down the envelope and reached for Liam’s hand. He turned it over and kissed each fingertip and the palm making Liam shiver. “How about we pretend we’re in those catacombs now?”

Spike pulled Liam into their bedroom where they spent the rest of the day talking, planning, laughing and loving. Hours later, Spike watched Liam as he slept. He touched the ring on his finger and thought of his life with this man; this kind stranger who found him alone and lost in the snow so long ago. A life happier than he ever thought possible. A life so filled with love, he often thought he had to be dreaming. But Liam was here every day, loving him. Spike leaned over and kissed his soft cheek and Liam smiled in his sleep. Spike curled close and rested his head on Liam’s chest, falling asleep to the beat of his lover’s heart.

** THE END **

fic - runaways

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