Damn I forgot....

Jun 04, 2009 03:01

I was ranting to a friend earlier about something and now I can't for the life of me remember what it was. I remember saying "I'll stop there because I'll most likely blog about it later and don't want you to hear a repeat." Ugh... I hate when that happens.

Oh well... onto something else. And if it's what i was going to talk about ... well there you go... if not. It is what it is and you'll never know anyway. So I .... just remembered... I HATE MOVING!!!!!

I do, I hate packing, I hate going through crap filled box after box only to look at items and wonder... "where the hell did I get this, and why do I still have it?" I hate moving from place to place never decorating only to know full well that it's not my home. If you've ever been over to my place you know. My walls are white and bare of any pictures or posters or deco crap. i'll have stuff packed away in boxes in closets that I haven't opened since the last time I moved. Only because I always know that I won't be here long. And I'm in the process of moving yet again. This time tho into the home of my in-laws. Lino and I are going to move in to save some money to start building on the property I closed on a few weeks back. It's a nice lot, over half an acre and the house I build on it... will be mine!!! For once some place i will live in will be mine. Not my parent's not my roommates, not my relative or friends place, not even a rental under my name ... it will be a home. Something I can paint, decorate, or damage if I damn well please!!! Well maybe not damage.. but if I do... I won't have to look over my shoulder to see who's going to get pissed about it.

I want nice open kitchen/living area, my room, michelle's room, guest room, GAME ROOM, and maybe 2 small getaway rooms, one for lino and one for me. If we have another kid most likely they will share with michelle until a certain age then no more guest room... but i'm not giving up my game room. Lino and I agree... a room big enough for a pool table and xbox playing area. His getaway room for computer stuff, mine for books, pc, loud ass music and just a place to lock myself into and get away from everything... a place to write... i have 3 unfinished projects that I should be working on... but I haven't for some reason, well two unfinished and one that just came to me... but i know I won't touch it for a while.

My dad says not to make my dream home just yet, that because people always sell their first place and move somewhere better later. But I say screw that... I don't want to move again. If anything I want to just have this place paid off as soon as humanly possible and spend all the rest of my money traveling. I want to go places. I don't want roots here I just want here to be home base. Like baseball, I want to run all over the field only to return home eventually.

Mel, I need to visit you or something... gotta get out of here. 
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