Jokes of the Week

Nov 25, 2008 07:45

Thought I'd drop in and try to spread a funny in case any of my flist needs a pick me up!

Buttercups and Golf Balls )


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Comments 5

mad_about_dan November 25 2008, 14:24:18 UTC
HAHAH loved it! specially the first joke XD
*hugs you*


rkowhore79 November 25 2008, 14:52:29 UTC
mwuah ha hah! great ones! thanks for giving us a little bit of humor. it seems like everywhere i turn lately on here there's nothing but fighting and general uneasiness going on. i can't stand that.


eric_idle_rules November 25 2008, 16:16:25 UTC
Haha, those are brilliant!


heliokleia November 26 2008, 14:36:23 UTC
O Dee, my sweet, that was hilarious!
God bless you; I so needed this...^^

And because you know me, I'll snag this whole fun-ness from you and post it at my LJ, because my flist needs a lil 'pick me up', too!

I hope, you don't mind, my dear friend...


angelsdee November 26 2008, 20:46:25 UTC
Don't mind at all, babe! Spread the love!


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