[Blackbird] Chaos in Miami

Jul 18, 2004 00:49

~The time has come to close your eyes
time has come to realize
time has come for saddling down
time has come in sleep to drown~

The pop up on the HUD from CNN simply bore the title "Chaos in Miami" and without care she clicked on it. The news was basic, some sort of mass riot in Miami outside a nightclub, and just to have it in the background she set the channel to stream in a corner of the HUD.

The fighting spread, encompassing several blocks. Cars flipped and fires burning bright in neon lights of the clubs that were emptying of panicked people, hordes trampling and fighting and making it worse. Pouring a bit more cognac Blackbird relaxed, letting the news filter in as the living room sat quietly. The Captain hadn't argued much with Chandra and so it was unlikely Blackbird would have to worry overly about being tied to the murder of the child molester.

A female anchorperson came on, her face drawn and a bit worried. That alone was enough to catch attention; talking heads spent so long trying to be smiling and bland.

"Riots rocked a trendy club district in Miami tonight. At approximately 10:30 Eastern time, the popular nightspot Indigo 209 erupted into violence. Authorities are not providing details at this time, but early eyewitness reports describe close to two hundred revelers spilling into the streets. No estimate is available of deaths or property damage at this time, but before our sources were cut off, they claimed there had been serious injuries. I understand we have film of the area . . . Jim, can we get that running? Jim . . .?"

The footage was shaky and the smoke hung over blurring everything else out. A shape, too damned large and moving too swiftly. Then nothing more. The chopper had stopped sending the images.

~If you should die, if you should die,
die in winter, die in winter
The time has come to breathe no more
time has come to see god's shore
time has come to realize
time has come to pay the price ~

Female anchorperson again looking more in control except for her eyes. They were shocked and too wide. "From this confusion has emerged a story that some people would be inclined to label a hoax, a prank on the level of the famed "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast. However-we cannot stress this enough-this is not a hoax. This is not fiction."

The camera panned over, showing her co-anchor. His hair was slicked back and his suit tailored to him. His expression was stern, like a young Tom Brokaw, and his words carefully enunciated so that there was no mistaking what he was saying.

"Latest reports, confirmed by the National Security Agency, state that this incident was the latest manifestation of a phenomenon previously confined to fiction and the supernatural. This surprising announcement, verified through multiple government bureaus and confirmed independently by CNN and its sources, states that humanity is not alone. Indeed, vampires walk among us."

Article Five reads 'Destroy Reality Deviants. Their recklessness threatens our security and our progress towards Unity.' Hand trembling she raised the glass and drained the cognac from it. It clanked too hard as it was set down to hard on the table. The Anchorwoman was back, laying out the truth of vampires and how their cover had been broken tonight by modern cameras and witnesses. Their attack on a thing longer than five buses.

"Holy Fuck. Turn on the News"
"Not right now Blackbird" Chandra was concerned with her husband in pain and her own pain.
"Vampires just fucked themselves." John pulled his head up and Chandra looked startled. There was a moment of quiet, deathly still as even the streaming news was silenced as if the act of uttering that line was a horror in and of itself. The comparison to the War of the Worlds seeped into her mind. People had panicked over that, it had taken incredible effort to resolve that mess.

Article Six reads 'Shepherds the Masses; Protect them from Themselves and Others'

There would be madness and panic, the Masses would turn on themselves. A mob was only as smart as the lowest IQ and divided by the number in the mob itself. 6.2 billion people counted by the Union and that was still an unsure number. That was on hell of a stupid mob... and they knew their nightmares were real now.

"The Masses Know." Horror and fear wrote itself large upon her face and into her voice. She looked at John, the only person who understood the Dream of Unity and Avalon and watched in his eyes the same horror flicker. Hundreds of years of misdirection, lies, and whole scale slaughter to keep the Masses from learning and to keep them safe was gone. The Vampires were out in the open and their own mob mentality would rule.

~If you should die, if you should die,
die in winter, die in winter
You will live on in people's mind
though just for a minute of mankind
Nature, it dies in winter, too
but will be awoken in contrast to you.~

She stood on the porch, gripping the railings to keep some sense on reality. The stars were obscured behind the clouds and she worked to visualize where they were at behind the cloud cover. Deep inside the lure of the Pogrom rose, destroy the deviants and the Masses would be protected. Slaughter wholesale their kin and no more would return to haunt the Masses. Destroy it all, and be alone with the Union to remember what had been before Utopia in destruction. Sick at the thought but unable to resist its lure she looked up at the sky and let the tears roll down her face, the HUD still streaming its awful video.

"I am become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds." the words whispered harshly did not seem to be her own voice. Deep within her Genius awoke fully within her and flexed itself pushing out into the conscious mind. "Desire flames to fierce passion, passion breeds Recklessness; then the memory - all betrayed. Lets noble purpose go, and saps the mind, Till purpose, mind, and man are all undone."

The cycle was falling and she must weep as she destroyed all she loved. That was her purpose and her task.

dead character, owod, blackbird, mage

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