As the year comes to an end!!

May 06, 2004 15:20

Well today is the first day

that students begin to take down the loft,

take home the futons,

clean their rooms for the first time in ages,

find things they needed way back in the fall semester,

find clothes they never knew they had,

and this this the time of year,

where the dorm room becomes less and less 'homey'.

The walls comes down,

and boxes are packed up

friends say their good-byes

door decorations become bare

24-hour quiet hours become effective

unless you have a neighbor like mine,

then there is no such thing as a quiet time

Huge ass dumpsters settle in,

only to be filled to the top

extra popcorn is handed out for free,

just to get rid of it

Bye Gosh Fest is approaching in minutes

last weekend on campus is prolly the best one

with Wisconsin Dayz

and of course numerous cops

softball tournament to finish off the almost undefeated season

loud 90's music being played to remember those days

one extremely loudcrack of thunder early this morning

to wake up the entire country

even to make an ex-soldier jump down from his loft,

and hide under it!!!!

as he took the thunder as a sound of a bomb exploding -

it was seriously that loud and sharp!!

Express check-outs are the newest thing

to get the hell out of here asap!

neighbors complaining how heavy one of the pieces of the loft is,

only to carry it across the street

students playing outside enjoying the great weather

some playing volleyball

others playing frisbee

only four more days of going to class and taking exams

is left for me until my summer starts

though there is much needed studying

that is still a work in progress

as i worry about why my fish acts the way it does

all I do is point at it,

and it goes flying(swimming) fast around the tank

I think him falling flat on my desk

has caused some brain damage

tomorrow he will visit Petco

he even gets defensive at a harmless dry-eraser marker

gobbles his food,

only to spit it back out

tiny white air bubbles cloud the top

if the time were to end for Lil' Jen,

a heart attack will be the cause

as for now,

time to sell back my books

to get alcohol money

ok not really

but just to get them the hell out of my face

time has come to prepare myself

for the long awaited exams

with no 'finals week'

I must also go to class

along with having lectures

man that sucks


as the summer approaches quickly

no longer will I work at the gas station

as I have found myself a new job

a better paying one

by $2.25 an hour!

better hours

more hours

less conflicts with softball twice a week plus weekends

best of all,

no interview needed to get the job

just a bunch of usless tests

that I guess I passed

or they felt soo bad for me!

whatver the reasons

I need to do some serious shopping

as I need to wear business casual clothing

which I don't have much of

almost none actually

I just hope this job

is as fun and interesting as my past job

though now is the time I must move on

that is,

from this entry

I have way too much crap to do now

that to be sitting here and making an entry

Hopefully I will be able to see all you guys soon

as summer approaches for all of us

make the best of all your exams

I wish only the best

Good Luck To All!!!!!!

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