Jensen/Jared - The Past Never Stays There - chapter 12a/14

Mar 19, 2009 19:50

Title : The Past Never Stays There - Chapter 12a/14

Author : angels3  aka Angela
Beta : munimula - who is the best beta ever and any mistakes left are so mine, and there will probably be a plenty as I had to rework some things after she sent it back to me.  I hope I got all the mistakes as I had to do this twice.  Don't ask you don't want to know

Word Count :  5918 this part - total 11264 (posted in two parts)

Pairing : Jensen/Jared

Supporting Characters : Eric, Kim, Sera, Mike, Tom, Chris, Steve, Chad,  Kylan  (who is a figmant of my imagination

Disclaimers : They don't belong to me because if they did.............................

Warnings : RPS   M/M sex , not this chapter though.

Summary : This is the sequel to When Things Come Crashing Down.  It starts immediately where that story  left off.
You know that person that Chris never had the name for?  Well he may soon get it.  Jensen and Jared have to deal with someone from Jensen's past.

 Chapters -   1   2   3   4     6   7   8     10   11   12a   12b   13a   13b   14


PDF for The Past Never Stays There

Jared had just finished smoothing down the blankets and tucking them in around Jensen's battered body gently when he heard the whoosh and slide of the door. Seconds later, the curtain was pulled aside so Dr. Patterson could usher Jensen's parents into their son's room. Jared was certain that no amount of warning could prepare Jensen’s parents for having to see their child attached to dozens of lines and tubes, with bruises painting every available surface like a macabre canvas. He watched Alan place his arm around Donna's shoulders as she reached out, grasping his hand, a gasp slipping from her lips before she could stifle it. They made their way to the bed, Donna carefully taking Jensen's hand in his and squeezing softly.

Dr. Patterson motioned Jared to the side giving the Ackles a few minutes of privacy with their son.

"I've explained everything to his parents," Devon assured quietly. "I've also told the staff that you will be staying as long as Jensen is here and that there may be up to two other people in the room with you as long as there's not a problem. It's an extremely rare provision, so don't make me regret it," he stated seriously.

"You won't, and thank you."

"I'm doing what's best for my patient, Jared. Anyone with eyes can see the difference having you with him does. Just remember, when you talk to him, try to stay upbeat and positive. I know it can be difficult, but he's got a hard battle ahead of him."

"You really think he can hear me?"

"There's no doubt in my mind if anyone can hear you, it's Jensen," Devon said, giving Jared's arm a reassuring squeeze before he left the room.

Jared watched the Ackles as they catalogued each scrape and bruise, the same as he had, until he finally had to excuse himself before he couldn't breath past the blockage that had formed in the back of his throat. He made his way to the ICU waiting room where Alan had told him their friends were waiting.


The front wall was glass but with blinds, so if the families wanted privacy, they could draw them, but they had been left open, so they could see when Jared or the Ackles came back. Garrett told them that Devon had taken Jared straight to the ICU from the emergency room and a nurse had come and collected the Ackles twenty minutes ago.

Tom, Mike and Chad had dozed off not long after the nurse left with Jensen's parents, having gotten little to no sleep over the last several days. Steve was upstairs getting a final checkup so he could be released, which is where Chris would have been if Steve hadn't threatened to throw a tantrum of epic proportions, wanting him to wait for word on Jensen's condition. Chris had finally relented when Steve promised he'd only have himself released if the doctor was 100% okay with it. He wasn't a patient person and not knowing how badly Jensen was hurt was about to drive him insane. He hadn't needed to be a doctor to know it was bad. Even if he'd never set eyes on Jensen, just listening to him trying to breathe would have told him how serious it was.

Chris leaned forward, propped his elbows on his knees, and dropped his head forward, running his fingers through his hair only to grip the strands tight. He felt like pulling them out, the stress making his neck ache and his head throb. He couldn't help but think about earlier when Garrett had shown up and pulled first Mike and then Chad into another waiting room. Tom had told him the detective was getting their initial statements recorded. That way, they wouldn't have to leave the hospital and go to the police station. He told Chris he'd already given his on the way in.

They had gone to grab a cup of coffee and on their way back Chris found an empty room, pulled Tom into it and shut the door. He pressed his forehead against the cool surface, closed his eyes, and took several deep breaths. When he felt he had a firm enough grip on his rampaging emotions, he pushed away from the door, straightening his back and squaring his shoulders. Tom hadn't made a sound, and if Chris didn't know the man was in the room, he'd have sworn he was alone. Tom had pressed his back to the wall and slid down until he was sitting on the floor, knees bent up, his arms hanging over them, and his head bowed as if the weight his alter ego carried around were on his shoulders instead.

Chris made his way over and slid down the to mirror Tom's position, sitting propped against the wall.

"Tell me," he demanded quietly.

"Garrett's going to have the statements ready later," Tom tried.

"It's not the same reading it. I need you to tell me," Chris said, resting his hand on Tom's neck.

"Yeah, I know," Tom sighed, bringing his head up so he could look Chris in the eye.

"Just remember, once you know, you can't unknow," Tom stated grimly.

"It can't be any worse than what I've been imagining," Chris said, dropping his hand back into his lap.

"Don't bet on it. Where do you want me to start?"

"Wherever, I just.... have to know Tom. Steve and I, we weren't there for him the first time. Didn't even have a fucking clue, and I did a real bang up job this time. I just need to know." Chris' voice cracked and he swallowed thickly.

"All right," Tom sighed again, leaning his head back against the wall and straightening his legs out. He crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes for a minute. He thought not seeing how Chris was reacting to what he said would be easier, but the slide show that rolled as soon as his eyes slipped shut convinced him, he'd take his chance with them wide open.

"Chad and me, we knew someone was there before got real close. We could see the smoke and then when we came around the corner, the shack was kind of obscured by the trees until you rounded it," Tom explained.

Chris waited quietly for Tom to start again. He knew his friend was just trying to organize his thoughts and distance himself from the emotions so he could continue. He didn't have to wait long when Tom cleared his throat and started again.

"There were prints in the snow and when we made it to the side there was an SUV, so we knew it was a pretty safe bet that whoever it was, was still in there. I told Chad to go around the other side just in case there was more than one way in and I went the other." Tom paused a second his face tightening with anger.

"He must have been leaving, going to look for Jensen or something. I didn't even have time to think he was right there in my face. I just hit him, and when he didn't go down, I just kept hitting him until he did."

"What makes you think he was going to look for Jensen?" Chris asked, wishing he'd been the one busting his knuckles on Kylan's face.

"I was quiet when I went to the door, and I hadn't even gotten both feet on the porch when the door swung open and he came bursting out of it. He was pulling his coat on, and he thought it was Jensen coming back. I can't even remember what he said to make me think that, just something about knowing Jensen would come back or words similar to it. As if Jensen would willingly come back," Tom scoffed.

"So where does Chad come in?"

Tom laughed a little, "I left him with Kylan while I went looking for some rope. We didn't want to use anything that was in the room, so I was looking outside. When I came back in, Kylan was a little worse off than when I left him."

"Did Chad tell you what happened?" Chris asked, not putting it past the bastard to try and get away.

Tom smiled and shook his head a little, "Chad was just being Chad," he said by way of explanation.

"That leaves a lot of ground man. How about narrow it down some?" Chris groaned.

"Chad said he asked Kylan where Jensen was and Kylan wouldn't tell him. I told him Kylan didn't know that's why he wasn't talking. I asked him why the asshole looked a little worse than he did when I left and he said he may have tripped a few times and quite possibly made some boot contact while doing it. He wanted to know why I didn't think Kylan knew where Jensen was, and I told him about Kylan thinking I was Jensen and that seemed to satisfy him. Of course, after we got a better look at the room, Chad decided a few more well placed and precise reminders were due, and I wasn't inclined to stop him."

"Garrett got pictures right?" Chris asked, thumping his head against the wall.

"Yeah, and the crime unit was taking more when we left. He said he always took some, so he could refer back to them when he's writing up his initial impressions, or he wants to double check placement before the crime unit gets theirs developed.

"Can you tell me about the room?" Chris asked, knowing it was a lot to ask, but he needed to be prepared before he saw the pictures.

Tom raised his head, looking him in the eyes. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"No, but I need to know. I need to be there for Jensen, plus Jared saw it and Steve's gonna want to see those pictures no matter what I say so I need to be ready to be there for both of them too. You guys saw it first hand and I know that's something the four of you will have to deal with together because it's going to be much different seeing it in print than physically seeing it."

Tom nodded his head before leaning his head back against the wall again and staring up at the ceiling.

"It was like a scene out of a horror movie, except it was set up for a sexual sadist, not a homicidal one, although I'm sure it would have ended that way once he finished playing," Tom stated grimly. "There were metal cuffs at the headboard, some set in the middle, some on either side, but there were ropes at the bottom. I'm thinking, that way, he'd have more flexibility in restraining and moving......." Tom paused. He couldn't say victim because Jensen was not a victim, and just thinking Jensen's name was enough to give Tom a picture in his head of his friend being hurt.

Chris seemed to understand the problem because he leaned back and closed his eyes, "I get it, keep going."

Tom let out a shaky breath. "Anyway, there were these thin wires running along the top and the bottom of the bed, so I followed them around the other side. There was a battery sitting there with everything he needed or electric shock treatment. Bastard even had a battery charger in case he needed more juice."

He looked over at Chris as he finished the last sentence and watched what little color still remaining in his face drained away. He expected Chris to tell him to stop but the man just pressed his lips together and nodded his head for Tom to continue.

"There was a chair bolted to the floor, with straps to keep the person still, and there were shackles hanging from the ceiling. He'd even bolted heavy duty chains and metal cuffs into the wall, spaced out at different spots, and there were restraints for the neck, chest and thighs. He'd either been planning this for a while, or he'd been practicing. Honestly, I'd say a combination of the two," Tom finished.

"Was there anything else?" Chris asked, praying there wasn't. He didn't know how many more pictures he could keep in his head, but his imagination had been bad. The not knowing had nearly killed him, and truly, it wasn't worse, really, but now he had an actual accounting of items to overlay Jensen's battered body into even though he knew his friend hadn't been subjected to any of them. At least, he was 99% positive Jensen hadn't gotten that past him."

"Just the blanket," Tom said so quietly Chris actually had to lean over to hear him.

"The blanket?"

"There was a blanket on the floor. Jensen had gotten sick at some point. It's what made me take a second look. There were...."

"There were what?"

"Stains," Tom said harshly.

"What kind of stains? Blood stains?"

"No, semen stains," Tom said between gritted teeth.

"Oh," Chris answered vaguely.

Tom stared at him like he'd grown an extra head. "Oh! That's all you've got?"

"I forgot you weren't with the other three. Jensen said Kylan got himself off, but he didn't do anything to him. I guess he used the blanket. Maybe to clean up? I don't know."

"Oh, thank God. I didn't want to bring it up while his parents were in the room...." Tom trailed off.

They had talked for a little longer, Tom telling him how he'd decided the trunk was the safest place for Kylan, knowing that once Jared realized, not only was Jensen not there, but saw the state the room was in, that he would lose it. Chris felt that he'd probably kept Jared from being arrested for murder, not that he'd have blamed him, but neither Jensen nor Jared would have benefited from it. Tom mentioned he would have missed the chance of dropping Kylan like a sack of shit too, and he'd taken a perverted sense of pleasure in putting some heft into the release.


Jared stopped in a bathroom around the corner from the waiting room, locking the door behind him and leaning his back against the cool metal. His hands were throbbing in time with his head, but he'd refused to take any pain medicine, wanting to be awake in case Jensen needed him. He pushed off the door making his way to the sink, not at all surprised when met with the disaster that was his reflection. There were dark circles under his eyes that looked like bruises, his skin was pale under the ever present Sam tan, and there were splatters of blood littering his forehead and cheeks. Jared was amazed security hadn't tried to take him into custody.

He tore off several strips of paper towels and ran them under the faucet with the fingers of his bandaged hand. Jared huffed a breath as he used the tips of his fingers to try and push out the extra water, attempting to keep the bandages around his hand dry. When he'd gotten as much water out as he could using that method, he cleaned his face and neck, wiping away the blood, sweat and grime that clung to his skin. He pulled off a few more towels to dry off and then ran his fingers through his hair, pushing the knots apart, and trying to calm the emotions still surging through his body.

Jared left the bathroom, making his way to where their friends were waiting for news on Jensen. When he looked into the room, Tom and Mike were leaned back, feet kicked up on the table in front of them, sleeping. Chad was curled up on a set of chairs, head propped up on his jacket, also sleeping. Chris was leaning forward, hands buried in his hair, looking about how Jared was feeling. Jared pushed the door open quietly but Chris' head jerked up, his eyes seeking out the person entering.

"Hey," Jared said, sliding into the seat next to him.

"How you holding up?"

Jared just shook his head. He really couldn't concentrate on anything but Jensen right now.

"Should we wake them up?" Chris asked, nodding to the three sleeping men.

"No, they haven't slept in..." Jared glanced down at his watch. "Over thirty six hours. They need it. You can give them an update or whoever's out here can do it when they wake up."

"How is he?"

"Honestly, not good. He's in the middle of a relapse. He hasn’t regained consciousness and his fever is starting to rise again." Jared sighed, leaning forward massaging his temples as best he could with his bandaged hands.

"What did the doctor say?"

"He said that all they could do was keep watching him. He's so worried because Jensen shouldn't be as bad as he is when he was still taking his medicine through everything. Devon said I could stay as long as I wanted to and that there could be two other people in the room, so we shouldn't have a hard time rotating everyone in order to see him, but he said to make sure everyone stayed positive when they talked to him."

Chris nodded his head slowly. "His parents in there now?"

"Yeah, I had to take a break.... I couldn't watch them....." Jared fought for words.

"You couldn't see them going through the same thing you are?"

"Yeah," Jared answered quietly. "It's easier for me to feel it than it is for me to watch his parents do the same. Does that make any sense?"

"Strangely enough, it does." Chris sat back, sighing. "Are they going to call Josh and Mack?"

"I don't know. If it were up to Jensen, hell no, he'd have a fit, but I think they need to be here. It's not my call, though."

"When is the doctor going to be seeing him again?"

"Devon said he was going to do a third of his rounds and then come check back. He didn't want to wait on a progress report until he finished all his rounds, so maybe in another hour or so," Jared said, consulting his watch again. "He switched Jensen's medicine to a more aggressive antibiotic and he's hoping to see an improvement."

"Would he see one this soon?"

"The hell if I know. He was spouting shit like spectrum and families and units, the man might as well have been talking Latin." Jared snorted, "Of course, most medicine is in Latin, isn't it."

"Can't get away from it, can ya'll?" Chris asked.

"Doesn't look like it," Jared agreed. "Hey, how's Steve doing?"

"He's upstairs trying to get sprung as we speak."

"Really? Is that a good idea?"

"He seems to think so. I made him promise me he wouldn't check himself out unless he got permission from Dr. Martin," Chris said.

"You didn't think it was wise to make sure he didn't try to plead his case to the doctor by batting his baby blues at her?"

"I figure, if anything happens, we'll be in the best place for it to go wrong. Besides, he was about to throw a fit because he wanted me to stay and wait for someone to let us know about Jensen."

Jared looked at Chris, the slumped shoulders and the defeated tilt to his jaw. "You realize none of this is your fault right?"

Chris was interrupted by Alan sticking his head in the door. He told them he was going to step outside and call Josh and Mackenzie while Donna was still with Jensen. Jared stood to head back upstairs with Chris, promising to follow as soon as Steve came back. Steve waved the discharge papers in the air before Chris could ask.

"Did anyone come down?" Steve asked quietly.

"Jared just left," Chris answered hoarsely.

He helped Steve wake the others up and then filled them all in on the latest update. Once everyone had asked questions and been given whatever answers they had available Chris managed to talk them all except Steve into going home for food, showers, and an actual eight hours of sleep in a bed. He promised to call if there was any change in Jensen's condition, and he listened to them making a set of shifts to take care of Sadie and Harley with a fond smile.

Steve pulled up a chair after everyone had gone and looked at Chris' drawn face.

"Now, how about you tell me what the guys told you while I was upstairs."

"You sure you don't want to wait a little while before I tell you that?" Chris' voice took on a pleading tone.

"I know it's not going to be easy to tell me, but unless you just don't think you can right now, I'd prefer to find it out now," Steve said, determinedly pulling his hair back away from his face and wrapping a rubber band around it.

Chris sighed a long exhausted breath before recounting everything Tom, Jared, and Garrett had told him over the last few hours. Steve's face was pale and his mouth was set in a grim line when Chris finally finished detailing everything he could remember.

"Where is this piece of shit now?" Steve growled.

Chris blinked for a second, thinking back over Garrett's conversation, trying to think if the man ever said specifically. "I don't know," he said slowly. "I haven't seen Garrett in a couple of hours a least, not since before I talked to Tom. Wouldn't he be in jail?"

"Not if he has the amount of injuries you described," Steve reasoned. "I wouldn't be surprised if he's not here somewhere. Didn't Tom say he was transported by ambulance?"

"Yeah, but I didn't think too much about it afterwards. I was too worried about Jensen and then Jared came in with his hands all tore up. Is there a reason you wanted to know where he is?" Chris asked, watching Steve closely.

"I just wanted to make sure there's no way he can get to Jensen again," Steve answered, a shiver through his body at the thought.

"You know he's not going to get near you again either," Chris promised, pulling Steve closer and tipping his chin up so he could see his boyfriends eyes. "He'd be dead before he gets within ten feet of you."

Steve gave a small smile and leaned into the touch, he closed his eyes, just breathing in the comforting scent of familiarity. "Do you think we could see Jensen?"

Chris smiled, running his knuckles over Steve's cheek. "Jared said the doctor is letting him stay in the room plus have two more people visit so I think we can worm our way in there somewhere."

They passed Jensen's parents in the hallway and the nurse at the desk signed them in. She told them they could stay until the doctor made his rounds then they'd have to come out while he was examining the patient. They could go back in or the next set of visitors, either one would be allowed in.

Steve came to an abrupt stop as he crossed the threshold of Jensen's room, causing Chris to run into his back. Jared was sitting beside the bed one of Jensen's hands held in his, and he looked up with blood shot eyes to see who had entered. Chris had told him Jensen looked bad when he came in, and he remembered, not too long ago, how his friend looked laying in a bed similar to this, but he hadn't expected  this at all.

He started moving on autopilot, one hand reaching out to take Jensen's and the other grabbing the chair behind him to bring it closer so he could sit down. He could hear the heart monitor and the oxygen hissing and sighing, knew in his head that Jensen was alive, but the man in front of him was so pale and still that, until he could actually feel the pulse beating under too thin skin and see his chest rising and falling with each breath, he couldn't trust it.

Steve took in each scrape, cut and bruise as he listened to the wet wheezing sounds as Jensen struggled to breath.

"Jesus Christ, Jensen," Steve whispered.

Steve looked back at Chris to see if he was the only one shocked by how awful Jensen looked. He knew Chris had said bad, but he didn't think even he'd meant this bad. The fear he saw in the blue eyes pinned to the still form of their friend was the only answer he needed. Steve swung his gaze back to Jensen and then over to Jared who had been see-sawing his attention between all of them.

"Kylan do all this?" He asked quietly.

"Figuratively or literally?" Jared growled.

Steve just held his glare again for the anger to ebb away. He felt Chris tense beside him, but he wasn't sure if it was from Jared's tone of voice or the mounds of blame they were silently heaping on themselves.

Jared deflated, falling back in his chair, but not far enough to release Jensen's hand. "A lot of it, but some he got getting away. The doctor said most of the cuts and scrapes, especially to his hands were done from briars and rocks, probably trying to stay on his feet," Jared answered gruffly.

No one said anything for a few minutes and they each knew they were picturing the struggle Jensen had gone through to find his way out and to relative safety. Steve looked back at Jensen's hand, turning it over to inspect the torn edges of scrapes and cuts. He didn't see any thorns and there was a thin layer of ointment covering the worst rips in the fragile flesh.

"It took the nurse an hour to get them all out." Jared’s voice broke the stillness, answering Steve's question before he could ask.

"How high is his fever?" Chris finally spoke up. He had been watching the beads of sweat form on Jensen's forehead and slowly tracked their way down his temple.

Jared stood, picking up a cloth that had been hanging on the railing. "It's still hovering at 104.8 degrees. The nurse that was in a few minutes ago was going to page Dr. Patterson when she left. She said the medicine they gave Jensen right after he came in should have been having some effect by now."

He dipped the cloth into a basin of water sitting on the table beside the bed, wringing the excess water out before gently running it over Jensen's forehead and cheeks. He felt Chris and Steve watching him but didn't bother to look up. He continued to bathe Jensen's face, praying that the medicine would start to work and bring the fever down before things got any worse.

"Have they called Josh and Mackenzie?" Steve asked as he watched Jared cared for their friend.

"I think that's what they're doing now. Donna said something about getting a hotel room too, so they're closer to the hospital," Jared answered.

They sat, talking quietly with each other, Steve holding Jensen's hand while Chris kept his resting on Steve's back. Jared continued to bathe Jensen's face with cool water, hoping it brought some measure of comfort, even if he wasn't sure how much Jensen was actually suffering. Chris and Steve excused themselves when the doctor appeared thirty minutes later and Chris took the opportunity to book a hotel room and call Chad, asking him to pick up their bags and bring them the next time he came to the hospital.

Steve tried to protest but Chris put his foot down and told him he could either rest at the hotel, or he could check back into the hospital because his discharge papers clearly stated no stress and plenty of rest. Since there wasn't anything Chris could do about the stress, he was going to make damn sure Steve got some rest and in a proper bed, whether the man appreciated it or not.

Jared watched as Devon examined Jensen, making notations on his chart and frowning the whole time. He already knew the news wasn't going to be good, but seeing it so plainly written all over the doctor's face made his heart pound. When Devon finally finished his exam, he sent the nurse scurrying off to find the drugs he'd requested while he pulled up a chair and sat down, waiting for Jared to take the other one. Jared sat when he couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't interested in having it sugar coated. He just needed to know how bad it was, and what they needed to do to fix it.

"Devon just tell me. I know it's not good. He's burning up, and he sounds like he's drowning." His voice was strained.

"You're right. He is, and it does. The antibiotics I had him on should have been making some kind of dent in the fever at least, but it's actually gone up instead. I'm going to double the dosage of steroids to try and reduce the mucus in his lungs and put him on not only a different antibiotic but a muscle relaxant to ease the restriction in his chest some. I'm hoping if he's not struggling so hard to breath, then his body can start to fight off the infection."

"If that doesn't work, what then?" Jared eased back in the chair, scrubbing his hands over his face.

"Then I'm going to recommend a drug induced coma to give his body time to fight back on its own with our help. As it is now if something doesn't change soon then we run the risk of his body shutting down on its own. I don't want it to go that far if I can help it, causes to much strain on a persons organs."

Jared nodded as Devon told him everything. He heard every word, understood it even, but the picture the doctor was painting shot a fear so cold and deep into bones, he didn't think he'd ever be warm again.

"Jared, I realize his parents are here, but you have his power of attorney."

Jared knew it, used it not too very long ago to get the information he needed when Jensen was here before, but he hadn't even thought about it, not with Jensen's parents being here.

"You hadn't thought about it had you?"

"No," he whispered.

"Look, I'm not going to presume to tell you what to do in your situation, but I know you all love him. I'll give you my expert opinion, and then I'll give you my gut reaction okay, but it's going to be up to the three of you to talk it over and come to a decision. However, there might be a time that you have to step up and make one without the talk if we don't have the luxury of time on our side, understand?"

Jared nodded again, not trusting himself to speak. He didn't care what it took. If it was going to make Jensen better then they'd try it, parents be damned, and they could hate him for eternity as far as he was concerned. He was aware he was being a bit melodramatic, and thankfully, it was only in his head, but at the moment, he felt like he was about to come apart at the seams, so he felt a little bit entitled.

Over the next several hours, their friends took turns visiting. Everyone tried at least once to get Jared to go to the cafeteria or just to walk down the hall and get some air and stretch his legs, all of which he refused. As the day slowly faded into night again, the guys left to get some rest, and Alan went to meet Josh and Mack’s plane. Donna had taken to wandering the halls to stretch her legs and an excuse to bring food back to the room in an effort to get Jared to eat something.

He'd appreciated it, but he didn't have an appetite, and he knew the lack of it was scaring everyone around him. He was brought back from his thoughts by the monitor charting Jensen's heartbeat. Jared had become accustomed to the pattern of the soft blips each pump set off and this was not the normal pattern. He leaned forward to get a better look at the display, blinking gritty eyes fogged by exhaustion, watching as the beat climbed and then plunged quickly. As he reached for the nurses call button, several of the machines started screeching a panic alert.

Jared lunged for the button and watched in horror as Jensen's body convulsed. He fell backwards, pushing the button at the same time two nurses rushed in, followed quickly by more. Someone removed the button from his hand and gently led him out of the room as he tried to see Jensen before the curtain was pulled shut. Donna found him sitting on the floor outside the door, head in his hands.

"What's happened?" Her voice trembled as she knelt down in front of him.

Jared lifted red rimmed eyes to stare at her.

"I don't know," he whispered hoarsely. "His heart rate went up and then way down and everything just started going off."

He left out the part where Jensen arched off the bed, arms striking out, his body going rigid and then tossing itself around like a rag doll. He couldn't get the picture out of his head, and he didn't want Donna to even imagine it.

"How long have they been in there?"

"I'm not sure. Feels like forever," he mumbled, dropping his head back into his hands. "Dr. Patterson got here about ten minutes ago, though. I would have called you, but I think I dropped my cell phone in the room and I couldn't remember your number."

"It's fine, Jared, I couldn't have done anything if I'd have known. We'll have to leave it up to the professionals. How about we get off the floor. It's starting to make my joints ache," Donna said as she stood, holding out her hand.

Jared looked up at the offered hand and attempted a smile, taking her hand, but using his other to push himself up.

"Are you going to call Jensen's dad?" He asked as they walked to the set of chairs in the hallway.

She glanced down at her watch, "No, he can't do anything but get upset, and I don't want him getting into an accident. They should be on their way here by now, and I don't want them being any more anxious than what they already are trying to get here."

"It's going to be a bad shock, though, when they do get here," Jared said sadly.

"Honey, it was going to be a shock for them to see their brother like that anyway," she said, patting his knee. "That piece of trash better be glad he's not walking around where Josh could get to him because I'm afraid we'd be finding out if justifiable homicide is a good defense in Canada."

"It's not," Jared answered sheepishly.

"You looked it up?" Donna asked curiously.

"I was exploring my options."

"I'll have to remember to tell Jensen that when he wakes up," she said, smiling

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plane crash au, jensen/jared

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