Title: Petition (Drabble) Pairing: Hyukjae/Donghae; implied!Siwon/Donghae; mentions of other Super Junior pairings Genre: Fluff Rating: G Disclaimer: Nothing is true in this drabble. A/N: This has been in my folder for a long time now.
Title: Habit Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin Rating: G Genre: Fluff Disclaimer: The writer owns Sungmin thus the writer is insane. A/N: I have no idea what I just wrote.
Title: Rejected (Drabble) Pairing: kid!Henry/Sungmin; kid!Ryeowook/Sungmin; kid!Kyuhyun/Sungmin Genre: Fluff Rating: G Warning: Genderswitch (girl!Sungmin) Disclaimer: I own Sungmin in my dreams. A/N: I wanted to try writing kid!HenMin, WookMin. It is based on this gif.
Title: Failed Attempt Pairing: Donghae/Hyukjae Genre: Fluff Rating: G Disclaimer: I own Donghae in my dreams. A/N: I'm confused whether it is considered as a drabble or a one-shot. -__-
Pairing: Donghae/Hyukjae Genre: Fluff Rating: G A/N: Three unrelated drabbles. Because I was bored last night and I haven’t finished writing chapter 7 of my haehyuk fic, there, I ended up with this. ^^
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin Genre: Fluff Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. A/N: Three unrelated drabbles. I'm bored at the moment and I was planning to make these as one-shot KyuMin fictions but I'm stuck so I ended up with drabbles. =P It's been a while since I last wrote about them so here you go~ ^^