
Oct 25, 2012 19:33

Seriously, the scheduling system at work has it out for me. Our HR rep told me that she doesn't like to schedule people as working more than five days in a row, since who wants to be at work more than that in one go? Under the old system, she told me, she was able to limit the system to that, but with the newer system, she can't, so she has to watch it by hand.

The last time I noticed something screwy, it had me scheduled to work six days in a row without a break. This time, it's freaking nine days. Wednesday through Saturday next week, and then Saturday through Thursday the following week - nine days. I had wanted to talk to her today and let her know about that current schedule, but she was off today, so it will have to wait until tomorrow. I have to get there at seven-thirty in the morning to start working at seven-forty-five, so hopefully I'll spot her and I can let her know so she can schedule me a day off in the midst of that nine days. Personally, I'd prefer it if she'd take me off the Sunday shift and move that to Friday so I can have at least one day off on the weekend.

In similar news, I was supposed to get off at four-forty-five today, but ended up staying until about five-fifteen. It was insane. People were coming in to get costumes and candy, since the local trick-or-treating was today. When it came close to my time to get off, I had at least a dozen people still in my line and more getting into it even with my light off. So the store manager asked me via the front supervisor if I'd mind staying a little later until the crowds cleared out, and I said yes, since my shift had been a relatively short one (only four hours). So a little extra money in my pocket come pay time.

Yesterday, though... yesterday was pure hell. I ended up doing what amounted to a double shift - seven-forty-five in the morning until five-thirty in the late afternoon. It. Was. Hell. By the time I left, I was in so much pain you can't even imagine. I came home and promptly crashed. They do not pay me enough to ever repeat that, though I don't know if I'll have a choice, since I wasn't exactly given one in the first place. I just got a voicemail from our HR lady at eight in the evening Tuesday night telling me to come in at seven-forty-five the following morning and go until five-thirty, with an hour break for lunch.

Possibly the one fun thing about work is that we're taking donations for St. Jude's at this time of year, and I love asking for that. Today alone I made $33 in donations. It was awesome. :)

rl: gen

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