Prompt fics

Oct 25, 2012 09:58

Title: Change
Fandom: STXI/Harry Potter crossover
Characters: Christopher Pike, Hermione Granger
Prompt: Unexplained
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of violence, though nothing graphic; crossover
Disclaimer: Star Trek is the property of its respective owners. I make no claim on it and write this purely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement intended.

It all occurs so quickly that Chris isn’t sure what happens. One second he is in the midst of talks with the leader of the Parstenians, Hardo, and the next the leader’s son is lunging at him, a wicked knife grasped in his hand and about to sink into Chris’ unprotected flesh.

There is chaos as Chris raises his hands to defend himself, to push the teen away, and he can hear his security officers shouting as they too lunge to try and pull him out of the line of danger. The Parstenians are also shouting, Hardo in particular as he struggles to call his son off from his insane actions. The boy, Carsten, snarls in rage as he smashes into Chris. Though young, he is strong, but Chris has the instincts of hardened experience on his side, and has become used to sudden attacks. The struggle is a vicious one nonetheless, and several times Carsten nearly succeeds in stabbing him in the chest.

Chris quickly forgets about everything else, though, when a jet of strange red… light shoots in from just to Chris’ left, hitting the boy in the chest and knocking him away. The knife clatters to the floor, deceptively harmless.

No one else seems to have seen what Chris did, and he doesn’t mention it in the aftermath of the incident. They just assume that Chris executed a well-aimed blow that separated him and Carsten. The next several hours are spent trying to do damage control, to prevent the diplomatic talks from failing.

It’s not until many hours later that Chris realizes that his XO was the only person on Chris’ left. Hermione Granger has only been his first officer for a few months and he still doesn’t know her very well, though she came with the highest recommendations from her old Academy instructors and previous commanders. Even Number One praised the young woman, calling her work ‘exceptional’.

Before Chris knows what he’s doing, he’s at the door of Hermione’s quarters, pressing the door chime. The door opens several long moments later, revealing Hermione wearing a silk dressing robe and looking as exhausted as he feels. They stare at each other in silence, and Chris is suddenly struck with the inexplicable feeling that everything he thinks and knows about the universe is about to change for good.

Title: How It Is
Fandom: STXI
Characters: Christopher Pike
Prompt: Lost
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/a
Disclaimer: Star Trek is the property of its respective owners. I make no claim on it and write this purely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement intended.

The first time the Enterprise dropped off the face of the map, there was a literal shit storm at Headquarters. The admirals were screaming for the ship to be found, that Kirk was liable to start a war if left alone too long.

Three days later, the ship reappeared, and the Federation diplomatic corps was informed that they had a new candidate who was looking to join the Federation, the first since Vulcan’s destruction.

The second time, they disappeared for a week, only to return carrying evidence of a plot by a rogue Orion Syndicate assassin looking to kill the Federation president.

Chris read the reports thoroughly every time, the same reports that the rest of the Admiralty was reading, and couldn’t help but chuckle. So many, admirals and other officers alike, had predicted that this young crew wouldn’t last a week, even with a few experienced officers like Spock, Scott, Giotto, and Parcheck there to guide them. Instead, much to everyone’s shock, the crew was thriving, and seemed to always be where it was most needed - to entice a new world to join the shaken Federation, to prevent the murder of a popular official, and so on.

It wasn’t the crew that was lost, it was the admirals. They didn’t know how to handle a pack of people they considered to be children that didn’t actually need them to hold their hands.

Chris grinned to himself. The crew would be just fine.

character: star trek: christopher pike, fanfiction: star trek, fanfiction: prompts, !fanfiction: master list

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