
Oct 15, 2012 15:42

Sales are not as fun when you're the one ringing them up.

We have a bunch of stuff on our clearance racks, stuff marked down as low as $1.99, and people came out in force today to get said bargains. We had a group of about four people drive for over an hour from Columbus just to get their hands on this stuff. Naturally, most of them decided to come to my register. I rang up about $500+ worth of clothes and shoes for these few people alone, spending over an hour on just them. It was insane.

Fortunately, we had one of the girls from the back come up to help us bag stuff, as well as one of the girls at the service desk also helping out on that. Otherwise, it would have been infinitely worse. I didn't even get to take my fifteen-minute break until the last fifteen minutes of my shift. My supervisor just told me to turn my light off and go relax for about ten minutes and then come back and clean out my register like I do at the end of every shift.

God, hectic much? I need to get a job in a library. Or I may go crazy.

rl: jobs

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