Eureka: Lost [SPOILERS]

Apr 20, 2012 15:08

Yeah, I spent the most of this entire episode shouting, "What the fuck did they do to my show?!" Even though I figured it was some kind of computer-generated reality right after Martha zatted Zane, when they had that brief flickering thing going on.

The whole 'SARAH and Andy ruling Eureka like smiling, cheerful despots' thing freaked me the hell out. Kavan Smith, who knew you could scare a person just by smiling? Dang, you're an awesome actor and I <3 you for it.

Dang, but Beverly is one stone-cold, ruthless bitch. She's torn them apart emotionally in this fake reality thing, and now she's putting them back together entirely to her liking so that they'll work for her. I was in tears on Allison's behalf. She had to be thinking that she is one of the unluckiest women ever when it comes to love. She lost Kevin's father, then Nathan, and now Jack. Then there's Jenna. God, it's like Beverly gets a kick out of tearing Allison to shreds.

Thankfully, I don't think this is going to last too long. If the 'this season on Eureka' preview is anything to go by, they're not going to be in this fake reality for the duration of the season. I'll be crossing my fingers that next week we'll switch over to real!Jack and real!Henry who are working like hell to find the gang. They might not be able to get to them physically, but they'll find a way to hack the fake reality system thing to make it go all funky enough for the people inside to notice and they'll be able to genius their way out.

Or something.

*crosses fingers*

Also: I just noticed that I no longer have any Eureka icons. I'm undecided as to whether I should rectify that or not.

media: spoilers, tv: eureka

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