AO3 hit count meme

Apr 19, 2012 15:29

Snagged from slightlytookish

My Top Ten Fics on AO3 According to Hit-Count

10. Of Baths and Returns, Merlin/Arthur, 607 hits || A post-Series 3 bath fic.

09. Flying Hats and Disney's Lies, Merlin/Arthur, Excalibur/Merlin's Hat, 620 hits || A fluffy, cracky Merlin-Warehouse 13 crossover.

08. What Comes, Gwen/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, Merlin/Arthur, 650 hits || A post-Series 1 AU covering the rest of Uther's reign and Arthur's.

07. Number One, Avalon Street, Elena/Gwaine, Gwen/Morgause, Merlin/Arthur, Morgana/Lancelot, 715 hits || A modern AU multiship fic that I wrote for merlinreversebb.

06. Cuddle, Merlin/Arthur, 835 hits || A double drabble whose title pretty much gives away the content.

05. Stealing Cinderella, Merlin/Arthur, 1001 hits || The sequel to With Bated Breath, so still a modern royal AU featuring born-a-girl!Merlin.

04. Spots on a Canvas, Merlin/Arthur, 1133 hits || A series of Merlin/Arthur-related drabbles, all 100 words or less.

03. With Bated Breath, Merlin/Arthur, 1422 hits || A modern royal genderbending AU, written for this KMM prompt.

02. The Undiscovered Country, Merlin/Arthur, 1531 hits || A genderbending AU that also diverges from The Moment of Truth, written for this KMM prompt as part of the 2011 Spring Fever Exchange Fest.

01. Evolution, Merlin/Arthur, 1740 hits || A genderbending AU covering the first series.

+ Huh, four out of the top five stories are fics that involve girl!Merlin, two canon AUs and two modern AUs (though the modern AUs are in the same 'verse). I was surprised that my genderbending stories are so popular. I've lost count of how many times people mention that they don't care for genderbending AUs, but they've read and enjoyed the story in question anyway.

+ All ten of these fics are Merlin-related, and all of them feature Merlin/Arthur. Nine out of ten are focused primarily on Merlin/Arthur, while one -- Number One, Avalon Street -- has Merlin/Arthur, but that is only one of multiple pairings that feature prominantly in the story. What Comes has other pairings in it -- Gwen/Arthur and Gwen/Lancelot -- but Merlin/Arthur is the primary focus.

+ The highest ranked non-Merlin story is #13, one of my stories for The Tudors, All the Difference (475 hits). I wasn't really expecting either of my Tudor stories to make anywhere near the top ten, since the Tudor section on AO3 is hardly a hopping place, at least compared to the Merlin section.

+ As for the highest ranked non-Merlin/Arthur story, it kind of depends on how you interpret 'non-Merlin/Arthur'. Story #11 is Request (581 hits) (a speculation story I wrote when the official press release for The Last Dragonlord came out), which is a gen fic, but Merlin and Arthur are both PoV characters. The highest ranked story that doesn't really feature Merlin and Arthur at all (accept for one or two vague mentions) is #14, Thief in the Night (413 hits), my squicky Gwen/Morgana beastality fic that I wrote for one of marguerite-26's Kink challenges.

This was fun! I may actually do this next year. :)

fanfiction: merlin, fanfiction: tudors, fanfiction: other, lj: memes

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